waking you with kisses

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Hwasa stretched her legs out in bed as a contentful sigh fell from her lips. She could feel your legs tangled with hers underneath the blanket. You felt warm and she found herself moving closer to you so she could wrap her arms around you to hold you closer to keep herself warm.

She wanted to close her eyes and go back to sleep, but the golden rays of the warm but very bright sun were hitting her eyes. She groaned, thinking it had to be only eight o'clock in the morning, or so.

But she opened her eyes and read the time on the clock as after ten am and she was grateful for the thought that crept into her brain that reminded her she had the day off.

She smiled to herself and let her cheek fall onto your shoulder. It's been a few weeks since she's had some time off and she's overjoyed that she gets to spend it with you!

Suddenly, the tiredness she felt faded away as a rush of excitement came over her. The thought of spending the entire day right by your side made her pulse race.

She brushed her lips along your shoulder, letting them linger on your warm skin for only a few seconds before she trailed them to your neck. Her kisses were loving, her lips warm and soft against your skin.

She wasn't really trying to wake you. She'd let you sleep a little longer if that's what you wanted.

But the sweet kisses on your neck and, now your cheek, were enough to stir you from your sleep. Your chest filled with butterflies, your heart was warm and full of love. It's been a while since you've had mornings like these. Usually, you awake to her shaking your shoulder and giving you a quick kiss goodbye before she rushes off. Normally the sun isn't up when she wakes, so it was nice to awake with her arms wrapped around you.

You felt cozy and warm. As she kissed your skin, you found comfort in her embrace. You could tell, with her grip, she had no intention of letting you go; and you quite liked the thought of that.

"Morning," you mumbled sleepily, getting a kiss on your cheek once again and a sweet "good morning," in return.

"It's nice not to have to hurry out of bed and get to hold onto you for a while." She smiled and began to brush her fingers through your hair.

"What did you have in mind for today?" You asked curiously. "I'm okay with anything. I've missed you and wanna spend as much time as I can with you, so whatever you want to do is okay with me."

"Glad you said that, my love. Because I'm cozy here and I just want to hold you for a while. You can even go back to sleep if you want to."

That was easier said than done, considering her kisses were still soft along your skin.

You turned over to face her and the stars in her eyes made your heart skip a beat. "I'm okay. I'd rather stay awake with you." You kissed her chin and craned your neck to reach for the remote. You handed it to her, happy to let her choose what to watch considering she hasn't had much time to do that lately.

But she only set it aside and cupped your cheek with her hand.

"In a minute. Right now I just wanna hold you."

You scooted closer and let your head fall to her chest. You giggled as she kissed across your face, the sound making her heart swell with love and happiness.

"It's gonna be a great day." She whispered, knowing that every minute by your side would be blissful.

Hwasa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now