Sewing, Sickness, and Studying

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Carlos's POV

"One, twenty-seven eight, and five, once I caught a fish alive. Six, thirty-two and then, gobbled him up and fished again." Cass says, smiling and looking at her catch. We had gotten up early this morning so Dude could tell her where a good fishing spot was. He hadn't been able to come with us though, since he was sick from the chocolate last night.

"That fishing spot was a rain deer's laces Spotty! I'll be able to eat a different fish everyday for the rest of the month now!" She smiles as we head up the stairs to her dorm. As we pass by, some girls give us funny looks. If it was because of the fish or because of Cass's eye patch I'm not so sure. Cass stops to show Jane her catch.

"I'm okay with eating it raw, but it tastes better when it's cooked. Perferably in a zesty type dressing." Cass explains for Jane to chuckle.

"Well, I'm sure if you clean it, Chef would be willing to fillet it for you." Jane pause, "What's with the uh," she points to her eye.

"I kicked myself in the eye yesterday. It turned black so Ms. Flower power told me to keep ice on it."

"And so the eyepatch is for. . . ?"

"Keeping the puffy parts down and to cover up the hole." Cass shrugs.

"The hole?"

"She took out the eyeball and put it in a bowl of ice." I explain. Add that to the list of sentences I never thought I'd say.

"Won't the ice damage the eye?" Jane shakes her head, "Wait! Took out the eyeball!? How does that happen!?"

"Like this." Cass reaches up to take the other out. I grab her wrist.

"Let's not do that." I say, shaking my head. She did that now, me and everyone here would loose our breakfast. She pulls her hand away.

"Fine." She huffs before looking at Jane. "I'll show you later."

"Looking forward to it." Jane sighs before she has to run. Me and Cass then head to her dorm but when we get there we see Evie in bed looking absolutely awful.

"Ribbon!" Cass shoves the fish in my hands and races over. Wait, fish? Hands!?

I quickly adjust so I'm holding the fish by the string and out away from me.

"I see the fishing trip went well." Mal says coming out of the bathroom with a wet rag.

"Um, yeah-"

"What's wrong with Ribbon!?" Cass interrupts. I look over to see she had crawled in beside the Bluenette.

"I'b fined Kiddy." Evie sniffles, "I dust deed to get up add bove aroudd."

"You move one inch and I'm tying you to the bed!" Mal threatens as I go to put the fish in the bathroom sink so Cass can clean them later.

"But Bal, I habe to get ub. I habe dackets tah bake."

"You need to rest. The jackets can-"

Knock Knock

"Come in," Mal calls for Audrey and Lonnie to enter as I come back in the room.

"Evie, I'm pushing up the deadline for my jacket. I need it by tomorrow. I have a date with Chad." She says not looking up from her phone.

"What she means is, if you get to feeling better, could you have her jacket done by tomorrow evening?" Lonnie rephrases in a non-rude way.

"I cad try. I cad't probise adyding dough." Evie says before sneezing. Audrey looks up at her.

"My gosh, you look horrible." The burnette states for the others to give her a look. "So, I can come pick it up tomorrow afternoon?"

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