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Doug's POV

"Smiley! I'm telling you. You need to stop this!"

"I just don't see what the big deal is."

"The big deal— The big deal is that your making Scowl and Cass uncomfortable all for the sake of yourself!" I hear two familiar voices say. Well, there goes my quiet time.

"What is it now you two? And why aren't you in class?" I question turning to see them walking up to me. It was third hour and I had come out to the main garden to read for a bit. Evie unfortunately couldn't join me due to wanting to work on more jacket orders.

"Doug tell your cousin that she needs to leave Cass and Scowl alone." Dexter says sitting at one end of the table.

"Doug tell your other cousin that this could be good for both Scow and Cass." Smiley shoots back, taking the other side of the table. I swear these two are trying to make me insane.

"What could be good for Scowl and Cass?"


"Dating?" I repeat, "I thought Scowl wasn't into girls."

"No, he's not into most girls, but he acts perfectly fine around Cass. I mean you were the one that said they got along really well at the science fair." Smiley says for me to think.

"Yes, I did say that, and they do get along quite well. However, I don't see how that could bring forth a relationship."

"Exactly! She's being unreasonable!"

"I am not! Cass really likes hanging out with Scowl. Scowl is happier when he's around Cass. We all like Cass. I mean, I'm practically her BAHF. So—"

"Her what!?" Dex cuts off for her to roll her eyes.

"Best Auradon Human Friend— Anyways, we all really like her, Scowl likes her, and she really likes seeing Scowl. So why not set them up?"

"Because she's going out with Hayden next Monday." I pause, "Hasn't she told you about that?"

"No. Well— maybe, but honestly she doesn't even want to go to it from what I hear."

"Actually, now she's does." Dexter pauses, "Apparently, he apologized Wednesday and started things over with her. I actually seen her talking to him this morning at breakfast."

"That is obviously an act! There's no way she still likes him. Either way, I doubt she'd make things official with him, which means we can start planning a date for the two."

"Hold on there Smiles. Now," I shift, "I get the two of them getting along is a big deal—and don't get me wrong. Scowl making friends is a great thing, but Cass dating Scowl feels more like something you want rather than him."

"It is. Scowl said he just wants to be friends but somebody—"

"Dex." I cut him off before looking at Smiley.

"Is that true Smiles?"

"Well, yeah, but he just doesn't understand that if he dated her, he could like take her out and do fun stuff and bring her to like family events and stuff."

"So she could hang out with you?"

"Exactly!" She grins for me to nod, folding my hands and bringing them up to my chin.

"Okay. Well, I think, rather than setting her up with our cousin, you could just say, 'Hey, can a friend of ours come to?'. Cause most likely everyone will be fine with it. You don't need to go through all these leaps and bounds to hang out with her."

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