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Ben's POV

"You're lucky Coach told Fairy Godmother about what happened with Carlos." I say to Jay as we head into the lunchroom. Fairy Godmother had let him off easy with just community service.

"Hey, Chad deserved it." He defends grabbing a tray and setting the icepack for his eye on it. Chad had managed to lay a swing or two on the former thief, but of course, Jay wouldn't let it slide.

"Maybe so, but bloodying his nose was a bit much." I argue grabbing three big strawberries.

"I was only going to pin him to a wall and tell him what's what. He was the one that punched me first."

"Well, yeah, but you shouldn't have retaliated."

"And let him off the hook? No way! I have the title of toughest guy at this school, and I'm gonna keep it." He retorts as he grabs some potato chips before we head over to the table. We notice Evie and Mal talking to Carlos, the latter looking really annoyed.

"Girls, I'm fine." Carlos groans before I sit by Mal and Jay sits across from me. The two girls glare at their muscular friend.

"What?" Jay asks, before the table erupted.

"Why didn't you tell us!?"

"He asked me not to!"

"Way to rat me out, Jay!"

"Why would you not want us to know!?"

"I'm not getting in trouble again because of you!"

"Because I know you'll overreact!"

"Overreact!? This is a perfect reaction! You could've wound up in the ER!"

"Chad's gonna be a pile of dust when I see him!"

"E, that was only one time! The first time!"

"It could still happen again!"

"Told ya Mal would say that!"

"Jay, you're not helping!"

"Okay, okay, everyone just calm down. Take a deep breath." I say, trying to de-escalate the situation. The four glare at me.

"Okay, girl's I know you're upset."

"Upset?" Mal raises an eyebrow, "Our friend gets shoved in a locker,"

"Thus making him have a panic attack," Evie continues.

"And you think we're just UPSET!?" The two snap, for me to flinch.

"Okay, okay, you two are furious, but as you can see, Carlos is alright, and Jay has sent the message to Chad saying to never do that again. Um," I pause, looking for something to change the subject, "Say, where's Cass?"

"She said she'd grab something in her free hour." We hear Lonnie say as she slips in beside Evie.

"Has Fairy Godmother and Doc been able to track the guy?" Mal asks for Lonnie to shake her head.

"They've tried but haven't had any luck with it. I just hope the guy doesn't do a second story."

"Second story?" Jay questions before biting into his sandwich.

"The Secret Locket writes more stories once the buzz from the first one dies down."

"But what would they write about this next time?" Carlos asks, scooping up some mac and cheese. "I mean, yeah they have a picture of Cass in the bonnet, but besides that they probably don't know much about her."

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