Juice-bug and Jerks

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Cass POV

Bzzzzzzzz. My ears twitch before I swat at the stupid fly again. I was in Poetry class and it's been bugging me for the last 20 minutes. Pun not intended.

"Now, can anyone tell me the reason that Markus the pudding layered swamp rat had gone to town to buy some leafy crows feet?" Ms. Alice questions for Lonnie to raise-

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Bzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

"Errrrgh, go away, stupid fly!" I growl through my teeth swatting at it with both arms.

"It's because his calawal hole, mole cave, was flooded with tea and the crows feet could drive out the cloudy pufflings of the squiggle-wallops from the clock." Lonnie says, confidently. I smile, I'm so proud of-


"Stupid fly!" I mumble swatting at it and nearly falling out of my chair.

"Wait, how does chasing out the wallops out of the clock have anything to do with the flooding?" Lonnie's brother asks before chuckling, "or was it just tea time?" I notice Lonnie mentally groan. That was her brother's fifth pun this hour. 

"It was because the upstairs were spread with peanut butter mustard tacks and it was too dangerous for Markus to fight them off." Another kid says, as I notice Lonnie whispering something to her brother.


I swat away the demon bug again. Getting real tired of you bug.

"But how does that have anything to do with the flooding?" Charming questions, looking at his book.

"The pufflings bathed in tubs of cream cheese is how it relates." I explain, seeing the bug get right in front of my nose.


That's it! I let out a yowl, turning into cat mode. Bug gonna die!

Lonnie's POV

"Or was it just tea time?" I close my eyes and hold back a groan. As Demetris answers and Ms. Alice is focusing on him, I turn to my brother.

"So help me," I pause, gritting my teeth, "one more pun out of you, and I'm gonna hit you."

"Bet." He chuckles.

"The pufflings bathed in tubs of cream cheese is how it relates." I hear Cass explain. I look back to see her shaking with rage.

"Guess the fly was bugging her." GeGe whispers. That's it! Cass yowls and I grab my notebook. I smack my brother with it.

"So- help- me- I- want- to- stab- you!" I say, with each hit. He holds up his arms to block but once I stop he laughs.

"Ah, so happy I could give you my daily dose of annoyance." He smiles as I place my notebook back down. I turn back and jump when Cass leaps onto my desk, snapping, and catching the fly.

"Cassandra," Ms. Alice pause as Cass gulps. "Are you alright?" Cass looks at her.

"Cat. Fly. Buzz buzz, snap, gulp, happy." She says hopping down and going back to her seat. I shake my head before Coach Jenkins comes in to take Gege for something. Oh thank the ancestors!

Gareth's POV

"Hold still," Evie was telling Kile as she was finishing his eyeliner. We had been at this for twenty minutes, and had barely made it past halfway of Cass's list. We would have gotten more done, but seeing as we weren't bedridden, and the fact that we're not contagious yet, we had to go back to class.

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