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Cass's POV

"Stare at the ground kitten!" I hear feeling a paw tilt my head down. I keep them on my feet. Trying to ignore everything. The glass shattering. The buildings crumbling. Shrieks and cries from queens and kits. Shouting from toms before more cries. I tilt my head u-Oh my CARROLL!

Flames engulfed the world. Buildings exploded and falling. Windows punched through. A crowd of felines rushing and screaming in fear below us.

My eyes stayed wide as my paws switched to auto pilot.

"Darling! Jump!" I focus my attention back in front of me to see my Dad before feeling a sting in my leg. Looking back I see a tray lodged into it before I slip. I look down to see the land open more as I go falling into the firey depths below.

"Ah!" I yell, shooting up. I frantically look around to find that I'm back in my dorm. As my breathing slows, I remember that I had come back here after my catnap with Dude was interrupted by Ria gushing about how cute we were together. Me and the girls then started watching movies and gorging on food and sweets.

After I get my bearings, I turn to the head of Pixie's bed. I was in cat form at the foot of it. Not because she wouldn't let me up higher, but because I got too hot while between her and Ribbon.

Anyway, I see her and Ribbon still cuddled together. Mal sawing trees with Evie softly smiling. I relax seeing the two before turning back and seeing the movie credits rolling. I hop off the bed and change to human form before taking out the circle and turning off the screen. I then check the time. 

2:07 AM

Great. I can try and get some sleep. I change back to cat form and hop back onto the bed. As I curl back into my spot, I look out the window. One little star twinkled ever so kindly at me. I take a deep breath.

"It's over now. They're all gone." I lay my head down and curl my tail around me, "I'm safe here."

7:08 AM

"Breakfast." I say for the third time in ten minutes. I was on Pixie's chest, staring at her. She had bet me fishcakes for breakfast if a particular thing I said actually happened in one of the movies. I was right of course and so now she owes me.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to work a bit harder for your special breakfast Cass." Evie says coming out of the bathroom, hair and outfit already done to perfection.

"How?" I ask as she goes and starts on her makeup.

"Well, how does Dude usually wake people up?"

"I'm not licking her." I huff, before looking back at the still sleeping Pixie. I paw at her face a bit, bopping her nose. Still no luck.

"ROOOOOOWR!" I yowl, rolling onto my back. "ROOOOOOOOOOOOWWWRR! Rowr!" I sit back up glaring at her. Nothing. Hmmm, mm?


"Not on the bed!" I hear as I'm sent rolling back down to the foot of the bed. I look up to see Mal awake and looking panicked.

"You could sleep through the marshmallow eruption of Mt. St. Whistle." I grumble, getting up and shaking. Evie then rushes me to get ready so we can get down to breakfast. I hop off the bed and change to human form before quickly getting ready. After which I had to argue with Evie about makeup which I actually won. . . odd.

We then go down to breakfast and see Lonnie and Jane already at our table.

"He's honestly just making more work for himself."

"Yeah, but he did have a point."

"Who had a point?" Evie questions as I sit beside her and dig into my kibble and milk.

The Six Months ForgottenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon