We need to talk

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Ben's POV

"I think the green and blue ones should be spaced out a bit more." I tell Smiley for her to make a note of it. I had asked her if there was anything that I could help with for the haunted house while I was free from meetings. She mentioned that the party planning committee weren't technically decorating today but I could give feedback on the rooms.

"See I told them that, but they insisted on doing it their way." She shakes her head. "Anyways, thanks for doing this."

"I like to help where I can. So is there any other room we need to— Oh hey Cass." We had turned to the door to see the feline standing in the entryway.

"Pupper. Smiley." She says, no expression apparent on her face. A tense silence follows for me to cough.

"Um, did you need us for anything?"

"Not you. Smiley."

"Ah, well, I'll just step out so you can have the room to yourselves." I say before quickly stepping around the feline and closing the door behind me. Well, almost at least, the block had left it cracked. . . Maybe I should move—

"This has gotten out of paw." I hear Cass state for me to freeze.

"What's gotten out of hand?"

"The Scowl issue."

"Oh then yes. It's absolutely gotten out of hand. I mean you've had plenty of time to realize and now we can plan a day for you two to go out."

"Not what I mean." I hear Cass say as I turn back to the hall to stand guard. No one needs to hear this, but I should stick around. . . just in case.

"You started the rumor." The feline goes on, "You're the only one that would."

"Whaaat? No!" Smiley chuckles, her voice rising a few octaves, "I mean more than likely it was made by someone who seen you two yesterday, and thought you looked cute together. . . . . and seen that you made him happy. . . . . . . and seen that he made you happy. . . . and. . . and noticed how nice your colors are when placed near each other. . . . and. . . and, um . . . . and seen how you were hanging out for the last part of the day. . . . and. . . .and. . . .annnnd . . . Alright, fine! I did it, but it's not like you're not used to this!"

"That doesn't matter! You lied!"

"So what? It's not like anything bad could happen from it!"

"Yes, it could!"

"Oh yeah?"

"Smiley, Hayden called off our date because of you!" Oh wow.

"Well, you didn't want to go out with him anyways!"

"I actually did! After he stopped being a thorn! But now everyone in this school thinks I'm a cheater!" Wait, why would they think that?

"Please, not everyone thinks that."

"Practically everyone." I hear before one of them claps. There's a pause.

"Why would you even say that I'm dating Scowl? We've had three— four interactions tops."

"Well, sorry if you want to remain oblivious, but me and almost everyone else can see that you and him are practically meant for each other."

"And why the fluff would you think that!? Because the other's company doesn't make us itch? Because we bop our heads to same-y songs? You're literally plucking the smallest things and building a fiction on it!"

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