Clones and Cats

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Cass's POV

"Ha ha! Four sevens! King me!" Sprinkles cheers slamming down four reverses.

"Canasta!" Rainbow puts a skip on that and jumps me on the board.

"Check mate!" I slam into the puck and make the goal.

"Popper-Sam!" Sprinkles huffs before Rainbow asks me if I have any twos.

"Nope. Go catch a pumpkin." I say giving her the weird orange apple Fauna had brought me.

"Prepare to sink Cass!" I look and nearly get out of the way from the boat coming after my knight.

"Oh you wanna play that game?" I bounce the ponger ball and bop her in the head.

"Foul play! Two point penelty on Jane!" Rainbow scolds.

"What did I do?" Jane questions before Sprinks adds three turns to her man on the chopper block. "Prepare for chopsaw!"

Rainbow tosses two paws of letters onto the board. Me and Sprinkles scramble to make the longest word we can.



"Is that even a word?" Janie asks for me to nod.

"It's a city in Wales. Dougie told me to learn to say it in sixth hour while he did head scratchies." I explain before the timer goes off.

"That's game. We win!" I smile at my minions.

"Next time I get the new girl." Rainbow says for Jane to look at me and my duplicates, confuzzled.

"I thought we were playing go fish."

"We were!" The three of us chorus before I tell them good game.

"I think she cheated." Sprinks says jabbing a thumb at me. I smack it making her duplicate vanish and Sprinks to go back into my head.

"Good game, hey maybe we can get some of the others to play next time."

"Great idea!" Rainy says high-pawing me for her to return and the duplicate to become un-visablize. I look to Jane for her to blink while looking at our game.

"What just happened?" She asks making me laugh.

"I'll explain later." I say before spotting a woman in a white trenchcoat with a paw print patch on it. She sees us and comes over for me to hide under the covers.

"Hello, I'm looking for a Ms. Fauna?"

"In her office. Are you Dr. Proud?" Jane asks.

"Yes, I was called here to look over a kitten."

"I'm not a kitten!" I hiss peeking out. "And my brain helmet is just fine!"

"Tell that to the bump on your head that you named Phil." Jane counters for me to glare at her.

"He just came by for a visit!" I lie, hoping the doc would buy it.

"Not a fan of vets are ya, kitty cat?"

"You stepped on it!" I say, poking my head out. "Vets take temperatures, and that mean ther-bop-it-ers, and I hate ther-mop-so-ders!"

"Well, I probably won't be taking it if that makes you feel better."

"You won't?" I squint at her, "Is this a trap?"

"No trap, fever isn't a symptom of a concussion, which is probably what you have, but I better scrub in before I start checking you over." She says before heading to Fauner's office. Jane says she'll see me later and heads out. I wish she hadn't though.

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