Proud Doctor

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Dude's POV

"You lied to me!" Cass snaps folding her arms and turning away. I had come to the infirmary and now we're arguing about me lying about there being mice here in Auradon.

"Cass c'mon. I had good reason."

"That makes no differenence! You lied to me!" She snaps for me to roll my eyes. Ugh, cats.

"Cass I had to make sure you won't eat them. They already get really nervous when a new cat comes around." I explain thinking back to the night I caught them in the computer lab. Oooooh, I'm still not happy about that.

"You still could've told me, and told me about the policy with Fairy Mother!" She huff, "If you had, we could've started getting me off mice and I wouldn't have reacted and wound up here!" I flinch. She's kinda right. I could've. I hang my head before she hugs me.

"I'm sorry Doggo. This wasn't your fault. I should know better than to blame you." She snuggles my head. I pause a minute.

"You're in heat aren't you?" I question. It may seem random, but she's definately having the moodswings for it.

"Technically it comes tomorrow." She pauses, letting me go. "How did you know?"

"Usually any queens that goes into heat around here has these kind of weird moodswings." I explain as she scratches her ear.

"I usually get really clingy and have the jumpy mood the day before." She chuckles, "I drove Evie absolutely nuts last night."

"I thought you drive her nuts every night?" I chuckle for her to giggle.

"So anyway, about the mice."

"Don't worry, I have a plan that's garanteed to work."

"I'm not gonna be on some sort of leash am I?" She questions for me to laugh.

"Course not. This is all off-leash training, but I'll have to know a few things first."

"Like what?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Like do you go after the bigger mice or smaller ones?"

"Bigger. I believe you should at least give the easiest-to-catch ones a chance to grow up. Besides the bigger they are the tastier, and you get more meat." She explains for me to nod.

"I have just the mouse then. He's helped me before and all the other cats liked him."

"You mean as in as a friend or as a snack?"

"As a friend, and I will be there to bark at you if you try to eat him." She nuzzles me before we hear Ms. Fauna come over with dinner.

Trudy Proud POV

"We have been over this Oscar. I am going to Auradon Prep and that's that." I say as I zip up my vet bag. Ms. Fauna had called and said one of their magical students, who's really a cat, jumped head first into a wall while chasing one of their mice. They called me to come take a look, but Oscar's being difficult about it all.

"Trudy, I'm tellin' you, I don't think you should be going an' lookin' at some weirdo magic cat!" He says following me out of the bedroom.

"Oscar, it's just a little kitty."

"Yeah, an' that li'le kitty could take your mind." He grabs his head, "She may mess you up so much that you don't know your left foot from your right!"

"Like you at your wedding." Suggah Momma laughs, changing the channel to the TV as we start down the stares.

"Momma!" The twins call running in.

"Where are you going?" Beebee questions tugging on my arm.

"Momma's gotta go take care of a sick kitty."

"Can we come too!?" Ceecee asks, hugging her doll.

"Sorry Baby, but the kitty may be a bit scared having so many people round her." I say for the two to pout and go to watch TV with Sugah Mama.

"Trudy don't they have a animal fairy there that can fix up all those pets?"

"Now Oscar, just because they have an animal expert doesn't mean she can fix her." I pause, setting my bags by the door and heading to the kitchen, "And though her old doctor was thorough they may have trouble making heads or tails of some of the terms, especially since the veternarian is from Wonderland."

"Exactly my point!" Oscar says as I take out leftovers for the kids to eat for dinner. "Who knows what that cat's gonna do to you! You may come back thinking you've got a purple head, big black wings and a red tail! I'm telling you now, don't go." I set the leftovers down and turn to him, hands on my hips.

"This cat," I start, stepping close, "Jumped straight into a wall possibly shattering the front of her skull. She has passed out and if she hasn't done any damage to the skull itself then she could have one heck of a concussion, but they won't know that unless I go and check. I already have her medical records and I've already packed my things. I am going to that school." He huffs and folds his arms, turning away.

"Very well, but when you come back thinking your some eight armed superhero, don't ask me for help." He says walking away. I then call Penny down and tell her the plan for dinner.

"Now take care of Beebee and Ceecee, and don't let your Daddy near the stove." I say as we head to the door. "And do me a favor and keep Sugah Mama off the Home Shopping Network."

"Yes Mama." She says for me to smile.

"You are defiantly the only one that may keep me sane." I chuckle, kissing her head. "I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. Please make sure the house stays standin'."

I then give my final fairwell before heading out to the cab. Hopefully this cat isn't as chaotic as this place.

Okay, this chapter's shorter than most, but I still think it's good. Also, funny enough, Trudy Proud is the only veterinarian I could find from Disney.

Anyway, how will Cass react to Dr. Proud? Will she have a concussion? Find out next time!

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