Clock and Convos

45 3 1

Evie's POV

"Well, um,"


"It's, um, it's— it's— cr— cre— erm. It's, un— uni— ehem. It's—it's very— erm—"

"It's insulting!"

I let out a sigh. It's times like these that I'm thankful Mal has a weak filter.

It was the end of the day, M and I had come by and dropped off some lunch for Cass, however we weren't able to stay to talk. However, once classes were over and we all came back to the dorm, she insisted on showing us the gift from her admirer.

"Thank you, Mal." I chuckle before turning to Cass, "It is quite bad."

"Quite bad? It's hideous! It's an absolute insult to you and to art! Like, you cannot be serious of keeping this in our room!" Mel rants from me to look back at the topic of conversation. She had a point this item is quite atrocious.

Before us, setting on Cass's desk, was a clock shaped like a teapot with a hat for the lid, a chain for the handle, and a tail for the spout, with the main part covered in hearts. Each representing someone from Wonderland that Ms. Alice met when she went there.

"Well, the thing is, I wasn't going to put it in our room but when he gave it to me, my mouth disconnected from my brain and said I'd put it where everyone could see it!"

"Well, you better un-disconnect it, cause there's no way in—"


"—That you're going to put that up in here!"

"Then what should I do with it!? I can't just get rid of it! It was a gift after all!"

"Yeah, an insulting one! What!? Are you not insulted by it!?"

"Of course, I am! Everyone in Wonderland would be! But you can't blame him for that Pixie! Most sanies don't—"

Knock knock

"Not now! Beat it!" Mal calls before the door opens and Lonnie walks in.

"No thanks. I can hear you two dorms down. What's going on?" She spots the eyesore. "Oh."

"Yeah." Cass sighs, sitting on her bed as Lonnie walks over and picks up the clock, getting a better look at it.

"Well, it's um, it's very— um, maddening?" She says, her voice cracking.

"You don't have to be nice, Lonnie. She knows it's an eyesore. Mal's made sure of that." I huff eyeing her.

"Hey, you know I'm right." She huffs laying on her bed. "Besides even if it somehow did look good. It's still insulting."

"We know Mal." Cass huffs, possibly tired of hearing it. "But you can't blame Hayden when he doesn't know."

"Who doesn't know what?" Jane questions popping in, shutting the door behind her.

"Hayden doesn't know that the story of Ms. Alice's visit to Wonderland isn't as important as the sanies make it seem." Cass explains flicking something from her sketchbook. "I mean it really didn't affect anything at all, other than inconvenience a few creatures."

"Yeah but didn't she make the Queen of Hearts loose her temper?"

"Technically that was Dad." She shrugs, sitting up. "But him and her have never gotten along so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Anyway, what's new with you two?"

"Eh not much," Lonnie huffs laying beside Mal. "My brother's finally off my case about my grades. Thank ancestors." Making Mal chuckle.

"Why was he on your case about it in the first place? I figured siblings wouldn't care too much about that."

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