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Doug's POV

"Ugh Scowl." I huff replying to my cousin. I had been getting ideas for what to give Evie as a thank you for helping with my project.

"Cousin giving you trouble again?" Ben asks as we head to see if Mal and Evie were joining us for breakfast. As we make it to their dorm we hear Evie yelling.

"I don't care what it smells like! You can not eat it!"

"But Ribbon, I can eat raw stuff!"

"That's with food! That stuff is plastic. Don't eat it!" Evie finishes before I knock.

"Come in." Mal calls for me to open the door.

"Hey girls." Ben says cheerily, "We were wondering if you would be joining us for breakfast."

"Sure Ben, but we have to wait for- CASS!" Mal yells for Cass to sit up, a piece of plastic between her teeth.

"Wha?" The feline asks before dropping her plastic, "I'm not eating nothing."

"We'll catch up with you guys," Evie pause before glaring at Cass, "after we deal with a cat."

"My plastic!" Cass hisses before we head out.

"Seems like Cass didn't suffer too much head trauma."

"I'm surprise. She hit that wall pretty hard. Even the class three doors down asked 'what happened?'."

"Think she'll be alright to run your course today?"

"I think so. Foxworth's cat is running it too, just so I can see how cats with claws do against cats that are declawed." He pauses as we head down the steps, "I did some research about it."

"About declawing?"


"What'd you find?"

"I found out that if they don't have the growth center then their claws will never grow back."

"And if they do have the center?"

"Then the claw grows back in a deformed and possibly painful way." I pause as my phone buzzes.

Scowl 🏴‍☠️ 😠: You're bringing her to my science fair tonight. Just get her ice cream after!

"Think Evie would like ice cream?" I question as we make it downstairs.

"Probably. Though she may not have ever had it."

"Never had it?"

"The ice cream would probably be melted by the time it gets over there. Course, I heard a lot of the food's bad when it gets there."

"Really? It should still be good. They send it out each week, right?"


"What!?" I gasp as we stop outside the cafeteria.

"Mal told me yesterday. I'm in the process of preparing a proposal for the board." He shakes his head. "I just can't believe they'd do that. I mean why?"

"I think it's because a lot of them still hold grudges for what the villains did and forget that the kids are innocent." I suggest before we see the girls coming down the stairs, Cass clinging to Mal's back.

"Do you know what their serving today?" Evie questions as we all enter.

"French toast and . . . something else. I can't remember." I pause as Cass hops off Mal's back.

"Do you think they have any fish paste?" Cass asks hugging Evie's side. The older girl pets her ears back.

"I'm not sure Kitty. If they don't though, we can go out and buy some tomorrow."

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