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"Poor girl, who do you think it was?"

"She's lucky she caught them before. . ."

". . . have a point. . ."

I was walking through the halls on the way for the cafeteria for lunch. Annoyed that I just so happened to be the talk of the school again. Honestly can't they talk about Pupper and Pixie once in a while?

"I can't believe Rose of all people would be chosen! Like could they actually hear her in tryouts?"

Okay, maybe I'm not the only talk of the school. Which Rose tried out? Darling? Fitzherbert? Stoppable?

I shrug it off and go into the cafeteria. As I make my way along the counter, Chef asks if I had finished off the fish that I had caught a week ago.

"Almost, there's some salmon and trout left. I think I'll make them into popsicles or something. That chicken?" I question motioning towards a patty like thing. He gives me one with some potatoes and gravy on the side, then a small bowl of corn. I thank him then go to sit at the table that the others have claimed as ours. It wasn't long before Jay and Dexter came and sat down as well.

"Heya C. How you doin'?" Jay questions carefully. Geez, back on this?

"Fine, Muscles." I say, taking a bite- oh it's steak not chicken.

"Um, haven't really seen you around today, Cass. Taking a self-care day?"

"Uh, something like that."

"Great, um. . ." Dex paused for a silence to follow.

"Uh so Dex how have things been with that history project?"

"What history project!?" I gasp nearly choking.

"Chill Cass, it's just second hour history that has the project. We're further along in the book."

"Oh good." I hold my chest. "You jiddered me there, Freckles. Don't do that again." 

"Sorry," He chuckles, "But the project's been going well. We've gotten the research finished, now we just have to make the three-D model."

"You think the other classes will be doing the same thing?" Jay questions cutting into his meatloaf.

"Doug says that the teacher won't so they can avoid students copying someone from a different hour." Dex explains before one of the tourney boys come over.

"Hey, Jay, uh, quick question for you." He places his hand on the table, "You know if we have practice this afternoon or not?"

"Coach Shang said we wouldn't, due to Cass saying it's supposed to rain this afternoon."

"And it is. Two o'clock." I confirm before raking the last of my corn onto my fork.

"Oh, hey, didn't see you there." The guy says. I feel his eyes staring at me. "Say, I uh, heard about last night. Sorry you had to deal with that."

"Is what it is." I shrug fighting to get the last kernel.

"Too bad I wasn't around. I could've knocked some manners into the guy." He backs up and starts swinging at the air. "Give a little of this action. Whoo! Ha! Whoo!"

"Mmm hm." I hum finally using my finger to get the last piece. Stubborn little thing.

"Yeah. He would've learnt a thing or two from me." The guy states coming back over. "But you know, I don't think I ever introduced myself. I'm Hayden, son of the strongest man ever and possibly even a titan."

"Nice." I say mixing up my potatoes with the gravy.

"Yeah, pretty great. But I was wondering, ya know, since your back on the market-"

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