Husseling Spoons

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Evie's POV

"Happy you like them. I should have them done by Tuesday. If not then, then they will be done by Thursday." I explain for the young freshman to give their thanks before scurrying off. I head back to the table Mal is sitting at and huff.

"Problems?" She asks, leaning back in her chair, amused.

"I wish people would understand that I'm not magic. I can't make a jacket appear out of thin air."

"Even if you had magic you wouldn't be able to do that." She shrugs before her eye flicker past me. "How many people are playing today?" I turn and see the school guards carry many more bags of equipment than they had had on family day.

"Apparently more than were playing during family day." I pause, "I'm sure Jay will be excited to play though."

"Forget him. Cass will be the one crazy about it." M states for me to pause.

"Did anyone even tell Cass about this!?"

M sits up.

"I thought you had told her."

"I thought you did."

"Jay did actually." I jump and turn to see her. "Pupper and him told me about it just a few minutes ago. I came to warm up."

"Just don't hurt yourself when playing this time. We don't need to be paying for stitches."

"Pixie, you know I'm always carful. Now which one of you wanna help me get ready?"

"Nose goes." I look and see M has her finger to her nose.

"Seriously?" I huff for her to chuckle before Cass pulls on my arm. I look at her.

"You heard the pixie. You lose, now c'mon." She says before pulling me over to where the guards have the equipment. We grab a couple mallets and a ball. Before going back towards the table, and, in true Cass fashion warming up in her unusually usual way. She holds the mallet by the head and swings the poll to hit the ball and, of course, misses, but continues her efforts to hit it to me. As I wait, I can't help but overhear Mal's conversation that she's now having with Smiley and Dexter.

" . . . Jay really didn't seem happy with how they were talking about her."

"I'm not happy about how they were talking about her! She isn't dressed like that for any one! Especially not them!" Mal snaps for me to look over my shoulder at her eyes glowing green.

" What were they saying about who?"

"Tell ya later E." M says before getting up and storming off. I look back at the two cousins for them to share a look before Smiley speaks up.

"Um, I think it's best we let her tell you." She says before looking past me. I turn back and see one of the tourney boys showing Cass the right way to hold her mallet, which allows her to finally hit the ball to me.

"Guess you don't really play much where you're from, eh?" He grins for Cass to shift her tail to her left.

"Not much, and what we do play is quite different than how you play it here. Hope I can get used to it before the tournament starts."

"Then I best let you get back to your practice." He says before nodding to me and walking away. I hear Cass giggle.

"Such a spoon." She then turns to cat form and balances on the pole of the mallet for me to shake my head. I hit it back to her for her to turn back and try again, but miss and hit the ground. She tries again and misses, and again, and misses. I take a deep sigh and look at the clouds. Why does her warmups have to be so long?

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