Creature Crash and Crush

139 3 0

6th hour

"Bye Dad." I smile before turning off the movie caller. I was back in the closet of the library and had just got off the caller with him. While I was happy to hear from him, there was someone else I really wanted to see to.

I fidget with the thing and turn it on. It quickly connects to the Rabbit's House and Bunny's oldest sister Blake answers.

"Heeeeey! What's up C-Cat? Here to talk to Bun-Bun?"

"Hi Blake.  Not much. Yeah, is she around?"

"Yeah, the family had a bandersnatch attack last night."

"Is everyone okay!?"

"We're fine. We hid out in the lowest part of the burrow. It totaled the house and garden though. Kinda hit this lower part too if you can't already tell." She jabs a thumb at the kitchen, leaning out of the way for me to see. 

"Woah. Must've been throwing a to-mat."

" Yeah," She chuckles, "The whole family's staying home to help fix the damages. Bunny's been going nonstop."

"Oh, should I call back later then?"

"Nah, she could do with a break. I'll go get her for ya." Blake says before going off camera. I sit and watch as Bailey and Britan sneak into the kitchen.

"Hi guys." I call for them to jump. They look at the screen and I wave.

"Cassey Girl!" They come over.

"How's life in Arrows pond?" Bailey questions.

"Pretty good. Spookstober's here and Spookerween's coming up."

"Thought about what you could be? I'm going as a Cuttlefish." Bailey smiles.

"I'm gonna be a hermit crab."

"Oh, that's gonna be so cool!" I smile, "I haven't really figured out what I wanna be yet. Thought about going as a rubber duck but I'm not sure."

"That would be useful for catching fish with and you could-"

"Bailey! Britan! Where'd you two go!?" Buster yells for the two to share a look.

"Catch ya later C-cat!" Britan states before the two rush off. Buster then comes into view.

"Hey Bust."

He turns to me before smiling.

"Cass. I haven't heard from you in a while. Bunny said you moved across the water from the island."

"Yeah. I'm gonna see if there's a way to visit everyone when summer comes around. Don't know if it'll work though."

"Worth a shot. You see where Bail and Britan went?"

"Rushed off that way." I state pointing in the opposite direction.

"Thanks Cat." He says before rushing that way. Britteny then comes on the screen, talking on the phone. She waves at me, which I return and then see Bruce and Baxter come through the kitchen with a long piece of twizzle vine.

"We aren't ready for that yet!" Billy yells rushing after the two bucks. Bonnie and Brandon then come through, throwing flashlights at each other. They're soon yelled at by Barney to quit and go off screen. Blythe then comes in and sees me.

"Hey." She says before whistling. Her eye doing the twitchy thing it always does.

"How are- How are- How are you?"

"I'm fine Blythe. How are you?"

"I'm doing- I'm doing- I'm doing brrrrruh- I'm doing- I'm doing- I'm doing uh! I'm doing brrruh- I'm doing uh! Uh! I'm doing- I'm doing- I'm doing good. How about you?"

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