Chapter 30

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*Sophie's POV*

Danny had been really busy with 'Pop-Star to Opera-Star' that I had been left alone at home but when he did come back home he picked me up spun me round and started singing opera... I guess I was fine...

Dougie had gone off to 'I'm a celebrity get me out of here!' And so Lara was alone and Harry was doing 'Strictly Come Dancing' so all 3 of us were alone most of the time then we decided we were bored and all 3 of us sat at home watching them on their shows. We watched Dougie and Lara thought he was so brave and that she couldn't do it. We watched Harry and Izzy was complaining about his dance partner and we were commenting how camp Harry looked but Izzy stuck up for him we couldn't stop laughing. And then we watched... Danny I love that man his voice was so strong and he only came 4th. Ridiculous!

[AN:Yes I know I'm a celeb, strictly and pop to op where on at completely different times I don't care it fits with the story line]

Danny came home before the rest of the boys because he didn't win and the other 2 did went to see the other two live and I couldn't stop laughing at Harry I had I go out of the room to calm down he was really good but I've never seen him dance before...

We didn't go to another show we sat at home and watched him. We had a party for when Dougie won, and one for when Harry won. We were wrecked by the end of the week.

"I don't like Harry's dance partner" Izzy overreacting


"She's all over him" this made me laugh and she just stared at me.

"She's a dance she will be. She's not going to steal him she knows he's yours I feel sorry for Lara."

Lara stared at me confused.


I laughed and change the channel to I'm a Celeb.

"I think he's fallen In love with his new man friend Mark Wright 3 weeks with him in a jungle it's bound to get somewhere."

We all exploded with laughter and Danny walked in still half asleep we'd obviously woken him up. He looked confused because the tv was on people in the jungle eating bugs... Ew.

"Dougie's gay." I was laughing all the way through that sentence and I think he only half heard me but he understood that I meant Dougie and Mark's Bromance because we were watching I'm a celebrity we laughed for ages because whenever we stopped one person would start laughing and the rest of us would explode.

Harry and Dougie had trophies and we teased Danny about it because he didn't win. He didn't really care that much though.

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