Wedding fit for a queen

504 15 20

The real queen is Eda.... shit wait

Please stand by

Ok we are back uh... do we need a take 3 on that? Wait this take 76? Damn I messed up a lot...))

3 months later

3rd person

Oh forgot to mention this story will be short because there ain't no way I'm doing a real wedding... cause I never been to one... I need to go out more))

Luz stood at the altar (is that what they call it?)

She was in a tuxedo her hair was done she was smiling happily as all her friends where sitting down watching this great moment of their lives

Piano played softly

Sounds cheesy as hell ngl))

As the piano played amity in a white dress and something covering her face (I don't know what it is called)

Amity stood right next to Luz as Eda was in the middle "you've grown a lot kid wish I could be your mother but wherever she is now she'll be happy" Eda said with a smile as she cleared her throat "alright luz do you take amity as your wife?" Luz looked at amity and nodded "I do" Luz replied "okay... now amity do you take luz as your husb- wife!" Eda corrected herself, amity looked at luz and nodded "I do" she replied as Eda stood up straight "alright you know where this is going you may kiss the bride" Eda said as took a step back letting the two kiss.

Luz and amity looked at each other and smiled as they pull into a kiss with the sound of everyone clapping for them.


They grow up so fast))

With the end i know this is new to do for me so I'll give it my best


Take the time to appreciate these people that are up here and they are the ones that earned my respect and trust me it's hard to earn unless you give me a box a chocolates then we cool






These five have been with me for awhile I think these are considered best of the best and of course you but I barely know any of you I mean I barely know these four but I got to know some stuff i think?

But if you've stuck with all my lumity stories I think there is one I forgot the name of so sorry man you are great tho!

All of you are great glad you enjoyed

But wait there's more!

I will make another story I won't tell you here If you ask for it I'll tell you because if I just add it here i think it's like self promoting but only in my eyes so if you ask for the name of the next I'll tell ya or just go to my profile and find it but hell who cares

Thanks for sticking with me glad you where here on this journey

Last but not least I add it in every lumity I made I think

-Yours truly
Not the best

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