The light of my life

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Hey guys I figured out why I was burned out I think but I just needed another song to listen to while I make these stories but once this one gets old... I might need some song suggestions))

Luz pov

My eyes slowly up and I sit up "ugh what... happened?" I told myself as I was in my room. "Uh Eda?" I call out but nothing I sat there looking around my stomach and chest area where in a lot of pain I don't remember much but I have bruises everywhere on me I am very sore.

I walk out of my room and look around "Eda?" I called out again as I kept walking down the stairs. It was dark but luckily Know how to make a light spells.

My light spells lit up the room as I walk around calling Eda over and over again but no response even king was gone.

"Where are they?" I told myself and unfortunately hooty heard me and opened up to see me "hello luz! Hoot! Eda and king went to the market hoot hoot!" Hooty said I nod and put my hand covering his mouth so he doesn't talk "no offense hooty but can I have some silence for a bit I have a headache" I lied but luckily it worked and hooty stopped talking and closed.

I sat on the couch with a sigh as I try to remember what happened. But i can't remember anything... maybe it's for the best... I sigh as something caught my attention in the corner of my eye I lean over and pick up a note and stare at it, hooty opens up "sorry luz but that note is from a green haired girl hoot hoot" hooty said and closed again. I opened the note and read it

"Luz I'm sorry it's hard to explain this but I didn't want to break up
I was forced to luz
Please forgive me
I'm sorry

I went over the note over and over again "I forgive you" I told myself as smiled and went to my room Thinking of a way to tell amity that I forgive her then I was hit by a idea.

Amity's pov

I was in my room guilt filling my heart and overflowing I felt terrible all this was because of me but something caught my eye near my window. I walk to it and look out seeing a light spell saying I forgive you and I knew it was her as the spell disappeared into the night.

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