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I found a song!))

Luz pov

I woke up to the sound of my phone notification I sigh and sit there looking up trying to get enough strength to move. About two minutes go by I roll over and grab my phone and turn it on and I was shocked by what I saw my jaw dropped.

"Hey cariño today is the last day of camp I can't wait to see you again!"

My heart stopped I couldn't move my body stopped responding everything felt like it was spinning around me I didn't know what to do I didn't want to go back I love the boiling isles I have amity the real world isn't for me!

I put my phone down and went to Eda as fast as I can yelling out her name "EDA EDA!!" I said as I jump down the stairs even if it was a bad idea I didn't want to waste time, Eda came out the kitchen "yes luz?" She said as looked at me "this is my last day at the boiling isles" I said in a sad tone "I will be leaving by tomorrow" I said as tears start to fall down my cheeks. Eda felt really bad her face was sad and she went over to me and hugged me "it's ok kid if you ever want to return just give me a little ring" Eda said as she gave me a tiny bell to fit in my pocket "I don't want to go Eda I don't fit in at my world and my mother did all this because my weirdness you are the only one I can consider as a mother figure!" I said as I cried into her arms letting all pour out.

"It's ok kid just ring the bell and you'll be here trust me" Eda said as she hugged me tighter "remember luz I'm here for anything at first I wasn't sure about you but not I love you as my own" Eda said as her voice was getting more harder to understand as if she was crying "I will return" I replied as I slowly let go of her "I'll go talk to my friends about me leaving" I said and all Eda could reply was a simple nod and I was out the door running as fast as I could I may not be the fittest but I had energy to run a miles.

I found willow and gus with each other eating some type of ice cream thing and I rush up to them "guys I have important news it's not good but don't worry..." i said as willow looked at me "what is it?" Willow said and I took a deep breath "I'm leaving tomorrow this is my last day" I said as willow dropped whatever she was eating with a gasp and gus was shocked. Willow got up and hugged me then gus joined in "we'll miss you luz please return some day" Gus said as he made illusion spells of him to make a bigger group hug "I will return... anyone knows where amity is at I need to tell her" I said as willow pointed at the library "library like always" willow said. I thanked her and ran to the library.

I burst through the doors and went to the kids section where amity reads to the kids because that's the best place I'd find her.

Amity was reading to the kids and luckily she just finished the story so I rushed by her side and knelt down and whispered "amity I have bad news" I whispered in her ear "well spill it" she whispered back I took another deep breath and sighed "I will be leaving tomorrow and go to my world I'm sorry" I said as I looked down "luz" amity said shocked as she grabbed my hand "if you are gonna go then promise me this" she said as I looked at her "I'll try but no promises" I said as she made a purple circle around our hands "luz you will not find anyone or find another girlfriend except me" amity said as her grip tightens around my hand "I promise" I said as we shook on it "I would love to talk more amity but I got to go home and get ready to go back" I said as she nodded and I was out and again running home.

I get to the owl house and open it again to see Eda on the couch crying her eyes out "Eda?" I said as I got closer "I'm sorry you see me like this kid I will just miss you" Eda said as she wiped her tears away and hugged me "Eda I got to go pack" I said as she patted my back "Ok" she said as she let go of me and i was off to my room to pack my stuff.

Time skip

I finished packing willow, Gus, amity, Eda and king where all at the front door waiting for me in complete silence I went downstairs with my stuff and stopped to see everyone there I smiled as tears start to fall down my face "I'm gonna miss you guys" I said as I hugged everyone and kissed amity it was nightfall it was time for me to leave we all walked out the door and Eda pressed this eye on her key and the magical door that started all of this opened up I got close to it and turn back to see everyone I couldn't say anything I didn't know what to say so I just nodded and amity nodded back, I sighed and looked back at the door and took a deep breath and walked through the door ending up where I was before I was stuck in the boiling isles I look around and look back to see the door closing and disappeared I still had my bell in my pocket and smiled a bit "farewell everyone" I said to myself and I look back and walk home it was the morning and I knew it was time to be with mama once again.

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