The Worst (best) Halloween of Nico di Angelo's Life

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"I do not want to be here."

"We can't all get all we want," Piper states matter-of-factly as she drags him across him the street. "Who knows? Maybe if you quit brooding, you might actually enjoy yourself."

Nico scowls even harder, but had accepted defeat around about three hours ago when Piper showed up at his dorm unannounced, holding two costumes and a bag full of supplies paired with the her most innocent smile.

There was no denying her, even after two long years of friendship. As Piper allowed herself in, his final glimpse of peace had been roommate's small pitying glance just before his doom was sealed as soon as Piper forced him into his room and slammed the door shut.

Now it's close to 9pm and the streets are speckled with those few late trick or treaters getting their final fills of candy, and all he can hear is the gentle breeze that's cool against his cheeks and the click-clack of Piper's bright red heels.

Fittingly enough, she's come dressed as the devil who happens to be dragging Nico along to his own personal hell. She looks good though, in a flattering red dress, bold lipstick and a devil horned headband sitting elegantly upon her straightened hair. Usually, she's not the type to try too hard on her appearance – not particularly all that bothered to, at least – but Piper has also been talking his ears off about this Jason guy she's found herself infatuated with, and quite simply couldn't pass the opportunity to sweep him off his feet a little bit. And well, Nico doesn't have to be straight to know that this Jason dude is definitely not going to be able to resist after seeing her tonight.

Inwardly though, Nico kinda hates Jason. He may not know him, but he happens to be one of the hosts of the party, and therefore the one directly responsible for Nico's demise this Halloween.

Of course his best friend would deem it an absolute heresy for Nico to show up (not that he even wanted to show up in the first place) dressed in his usual scruffy jeans and hoodie simply topped with a mask he picked up at the dollar store. Somehow, she had managed to slip away a tux from one of her mother's high end stores – and one that Nico absolutely does not look at the price tag of – with a fitting so freakishly on point that Nico's convinced she must have taken his measurements after she had drugged him into a heavy slumber.

He may not be an expert on Halloween, and he may not know much about formal wear either, but he was still pretty sure Piper was trying get him ready for his own wedding rather than some shitty college party.

But that was before she had shoved him onto his creaky desk chair, whipped out one-hundred-and-one palettes from her bag and proceeded to spend the next hour testing Nico's patience and his ability to not laugh at Piper's squinty eyes of utter concentration.

He came out of that whole ordeal having being turned into a skeleton. And though he'll never admit it out loud, he was genuinely impressed and kinda actually liked the face paint. So much so that he excused himself to go to the bathroom only to snap a quick mirror selfie to send to Hazel because it looked cool, okay?

When the distant hum of a pounding bass can be heard from across the road, Nico only then just realises the agony he's been subjected too. Awesome Halloween makeup or not, he's going to spend the next couple hours of his life miserable and longing his coach, Netflix, and the shitty horror movies they have on there.

By the time they arrive, the party is already in full swing. The flashing orange and red lights that can be seen from beyond the windows could probably serve as a lighthouse of its own, and that paired with the music that's thumping harder than his own heartbeat would make him feel rather sorry for the neighbours if the entire block hadn't been attending themselves. The lawn is a mess of passed out bodies, cigarette butts, and jack-o'-lanterns that must've had their carvers drunk when they'd been made – going off of their extremely dodgy looking faces.

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