Roomate AU

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Nico Di Angelo was a tad bit frustrated, just a dash really. Swiping through his phone in an attempt to alleviate his impatience until he finally heard the eventual knock. He had no restraints as he huffed out an irritable sigh while walking over to the door. The Italian has been interviewing potential roommates all day; they hadn't exactly been promising. Nico plastered a fake smile as he lied to each one, telling the applicants he'd contact them on whether they got the had/had not got the room — all in the while of knowing that he hadn't even bothered to add their numbers to his contacts.

Each one had been worst than the next and Nico deemed it as pretty tempting to just give up at this point. Especially when his final interview was waiting outside his door, 16 minutes late; admittedly (with an unrestrained, inner honestly) he couldn't wait to kick him out.

Taking a deep, calming breath, he lazily swung open the door — not even bothering to smile this time. Though it's not like he even had a chance to, as the guy immediately he started gushing.

"I am so, so sorry I'm late. I accidentally ran into an ex girlfriend on the way here and fuck she was clingy — so goddamn clingy. And she's just made me so late cause she doesn't seem to understa— and fuck she's so irritating— have I mention I'm so sorry? And that I'm late? And— shit sorry."

Unprepared. That's what he was when Nico first glimpsed at the man before him, so much so that he had to stop himself from choking on own his spit. The man in front of him was, without a stroke doubt, simply gorgeous. His sun-kissed tan skin just looked so damn smooth; splattered with freckles upon his prominent cheekbones, Nico hand to wring his own hands together to just avoid touching. Messy, loose, blond curls laid tousled upon his head, complimented with a few rogue strands sheathing his bright, very bright, azure eyes. Yeah, Nico was in pretty deep, and even with the blond guy's disheveled appearance — as though he sprinted here — the Italian still fought the urge to just jump on his bones.

The blue eyed man looked down at Nico in a some what apologetic glance, even that gesture not even helping Nico's mildly flustered state. "Sorry, again. I'm ranting too much, so let's try this again? Hello, I'm William Solace, though Will is much preferred, and I'm extremely late to a roommate application."

"Uh yeah..." and then he promptly shook his head, as if he just remembered he was in a conversation, "Yeah it's no problem, come on in. Nico, by the way. I mean, my name is Nico Di Angelo." Well so much for introductions, Nico thought, but really, he's actually quite proud of himself to saying any coherent words at all with Will's gaze peering down at him so intently.

As Nico took the seeming super model, who was actually currently taking premed,  (so he's hot and smart) around his apartment, he seriously started to question his luck. Whatever eternal power out there — God, fate, destiny, what-fucking-ever — Nico was pretty much certain that power has hated him, a safe assumption after all the shit he's been through. So there was just no way in hell he could've found the perfect roommate. Witty, optimistic and a nice piece of eye candy, checking every single one of the Italian's boxes. And it just kept growing from there, finding that the more he conversed with the bright eyed boy, the more enticed he became.

"So, Will, you're my last applicant and I can 100% guarantee you the slot — if you'd want it of course." Stupid Nico, of course he'd want the room that's why he's here, idiota.

A breathtaking smile graced his already perfect enough face, but of fucking course this guy had pearly whites and a dimple. Nico had to silently muster up all his willpower to stop the stupid, stupid, controllably stupid, scarlet heat crawling up his neck. Unfortunately, he was unsuccessful — but if Will had noticed the blush, he didn't say anything.

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