The Christmas Miracle

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Hey guys, merry Christmas!!

I'm very late (it's literally 3 minutes away from the 26th in UK time) but please accept this short offering I just threw together.

Quick heads up, it's a lil bit frisky but no smut.

In Will's defence, the room is dotted with cinnamon scented candles and his very attractive boyfriend had been leaning against his shoulder as Home Alone played on the TV. It's even snowing outside, and Will – well Will is only human.

So that's how it went, one moment they were watching thugs getting beaten up by paint cans, and the next Nico is on his lap and they're kissing like they've never kissed before.

It's Christmas and it's romantic, sue him for wanting to make out with the man he loves on one of the most cherished days of the year.

It's perfect. Nico's lips taste like candy canes and the maroon knitted sweater he's wearing lets him slide his hands underneath with ease. Will skims his fingers across his bare waist and grins into the kiss when he feels Nico shiver. Though his chuckle promptly turns into a low groan when Nico rolls his hips against his in retaliation.

"You little shit," Will mumbles with no heat, though most of the message is lost in the kiss.

Nico playfully nips his bottom lip. "You started it."

Deeming him far too smug for his own good, Will promptly flips them so Nico's head is cradled against the arm of the sofa. He makes for a gorgeous sight underneath him, and Will can't help but take a moment to appreciate the view – kiss swollen lips and messy hair and rucked-up sweater – before he leans back in, slipping a thigh between Nico's legs and intently pressing against his semi.

Will's voice rumbles as he whispers into the shell of his boyfriend's ear. "Getting cocky, are we?"

"I certainly hope not," says Hades.

Alarmed, Will looks over his shoulder and— dear gods, no.

As if Hades didn't already scare the absolute shit out of Will, getting walked in on by him easily rockets its way right into the number one spot of the most traumatising events of his life.

"You're home early," Nico comments, from where he's still flushed from underneath him. He's not nearly as upset as he should be, Will thinks – as the only thing giving away his discomfort is the annoyed tone of his voice.

"Son, I just went to get some milk."

"Did you find some?"

Hades sets down the grocery store bag on the table. "Yes I did, it was even half off."

Exposure to such sheer mortification still leaves Will frozen on spot, though that melts away tremendously fast when Hades meets his eye and jesusfuckingchrist it's like gazing death in the face.

They say that in the last few moments of living, your entire life flashes before your eyes. Will finds out that that's not the case, and instead all he's seeing is the cobweb in the corner of the ceiling he's suddenly taken a specialised interest in. Maybe if he stares at it hard enough, he can transcend into a different plane of being and leave this humiliation behind in the dust.

"Will," Hades begins, his voice even and unwavering. "I would appreciate it if you got off from on top of my son."

It takes a few seconds for the words to register in Will's pathetic excuse of a brain, but when it does he's on his feet much faster than necessary – which ultimately means that he stumbles on his feet like the idiot he is.

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