We Need To Really Sell This Off

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"Could you be anymore loud?" Nico hisses, features recoiling into a cringe when Will knocks the clanging, metal box onto the floor —as if on cue in response to Nico's annoyance.

"Sorry!" Will whispers as he winces, knowing far too well that being staying stealthy and sly wasn't exactly his forte. Nico knows the blonde wasn't exactly the best man for the job, and Nico knows that Will knows that too. It only made him further question the blonde's eagerness to assists Nico on this mission.

Nothing major, a simple task of picking up an unclaimed demigod and dropping them off at Camp Half-blood. A task given initially to Nico due to the low demands of Satyrs that were already very few due to the amount of tasks around the country. To be honest, the Italian was more than happy to cooperate, he wanted the change of scenery, growing bored to the camp's regulations of staying within the boarders.

Will, of course, insisted on coming along, blabbering on about something along the lines of keeping Nico in check — which yes the Italian can do perfectly well — but he wasn't completely resistant to Will's addition because, well, he wanted Will to come along.

Nico grows to regret the idea by the second though since Will is a disaster at doing anything but draw attention. From his practically glowing, golden hair to his uncontrollable laughter to his clumsy attributes he really does make the worst undercover in history.

He doesn't halt from expressing this frustration to his best friend.

"I can't believe people let you do surgery on them," Nico claims half heartedly. He doesn't really mean it of course, Nico oddly trusts Will with his life and he was well aware of the fact that Will strives in the medical field with or without his blessings from Apollo.

All he see's is Will rolling his too blue eyes as he slides into the principal's chair.

Oh yeah, they were trespassing the Principal's office in an attempt to hack his computer and extract information on this unclaimed demigod. No biggie.

But it is, kinda. The Italian has fought so many monsters and battled in wars that he just saw it as just a norm in life, especially in quests. However this particular quest was different, not one monster they had to deal with so far and instead put into a much more difficult and stressful situation. High school.

"Where the fuck in the USB port?" The blonde questions, head ducking underneath the wooden desk in search for the actual computer.

"What the fuck is a USB port?" Nico asks in response, tired of finding out something completely and extraordinarily new and advance (for only him) that he simply didn't know about due his time in the Lotus. Like seriously, when Will was casually discussing a joke, fake conspiracy on the moon landings Nico flipped his shit because — what the fuck people have landed on the moon?

"This thing better work," Will thinks out loud before plugging a small looking chip into the device. Leo had provided them with it, apparently coded or some shit that flew over Nico's head when the Hispanic explained, basically something to help them get past any sort of passwords or security checks they may encounter.

And it seems to work like a charm Nico gathers; watching the way Will beams at the screen from over at the door to keep watch for anyone coming in. The blondes face is illuminated by white light, he azure eyes shining in it artificial brightness as Nico pays notice to the way they flicker all over the computer screen. The Italian can't see what exactly Will was doing due to the angle he was stood at, but he can examine Will himself perfectly well and that's all he really wants.

Yeah so maybe Will was the most beautiful male Nico had ever laid eyes on but yet again, it's no biggie. Or at least he forces himself to think it isn't. Because it isn't. Nope, it's not a big deal. It doesn't matter he's practically in love with his best friend. Not at all, since Nico knew very well about the consequences of pining after straight guys; they weren't particularly present. But he's already taken a huge step over the line with Will and he's so dangerously attached it's only a matter of time Nico becomes heartbroken. However, until Will's rejection and the bitter truth stabs him in the heart, Nico makes the most of what he has of Will right now through more subtle ways — like shamelessly checking him out.

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