Blind Dates

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"Nope, sorry. Never happening. Not after last time, so that's a solid, definite 'no' and I refuse to go through with this."

"Sweet, so you'll do it then?"

Will's hand exasperatedly dragged through his hair for the third time in the last minute. What was supposed to be a productive study session with Lou Ellen turned into something hellish that Will would much rather stab himself in the hand with a fork than discuss blind dates with his best friend.

The thing was, with Lou, that she never backs down. She's perhaps the most stubborn person Will had ever come to know (whether that was a blessing or a curse, he's not too sure) but there has always been fate's knack for always having things going Lou's way.

That paired with her abstain obsession with Will's love life, the blond could just tell that with the way Lou Ellen's leafy green eyes narrowed into sly, stern slits, it wasn't going to be one of the rare occasions where Will has managed to tame Lou for (at least) a little while.

"Come on, what's the worst that could happen?" Lou asked, and really Will found that so hilarious that he scoffed in response. "You're in college William! Do something fun with your life for the gods' sake! You can't spend the rest of this semester locked in your nerd cave and drooling over your off-limits roommate."

Ah, yes. The roommate. The roommate that Will was practically thirsting for as soon as he laid eyes on the boy. They lived together, yes, but they barely even spoke more than two sentences to each other everyday. Which was fine, because Will didn't know what he'd do if he was forced to maintain a close 'friendship' with Nico, for heed he remind had long, long, lean legs and a stupidly sexy Italian accent.

Yeah, it was probably for the best that Will ought to get over his straight roommate, but Lou Ellen's methods were always, in two words, fucking disastrous.

"The worst that could happen?" Will humoured with a hum, "Well there was that time when a guy you gave my number (without me even knowing, may I add) who instead ended up calling me up from prison so I could bail him out when he was caught snorting crack."

Lou rolled her eyes like she's hearing the same old lecture from her parents telling her that 'if your friend was to jump of a cliff, would you do it too?' Still, she had the audacity to smirk sheepishly, "What? I didn't realise that bad boys weren't your type."

Will deadpanned that look and Lou cracked.

"Fine, fine. That was my bad. But just trust me on this one, Will. Piper says the dude's gay, single and hot — and you and I both know that Piper hooks people up so good you'd think she was a descendent of some love goddess." The pale green eyed girl looked pleadingly towards the blond remained unswayed, "When have I ever let you down?"

Non pliant lips parted to respond before Lou Ellen beat them to it with a sigh.

"Besides from that time."

Will sighed, really all he wanted to fucking do was to either get this year over with or his roommate that was Nico Di Angelo.

"Lou, I'm not gonna go on a blind date with some random guy I haven't even met—"

Will felt like he should've expected better than to actually anticipate winning this little argument, since this was Lou he was going against.

Lou Ellen had always played dirty.

She always had a habit of just doing things at her own accord.

"Well that's a shame, because I texted Piper that you couldn't wait and now you're meeting him at Yeti's tomorrow at 2. It'll be pretty rude if you stand him up."

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