How To Keep It Cool ft Will Solace

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He was doing absolutely nothing, yet when Will's eyes drifted to his figure, they seemed to be captured by the boy's captivating aura. It was like any other maths lesson, featuring Ms Dodds droning on continuously about some kind of algebraic terms that all looked muddled in Will's mind, the whole class bored out of their lives. Will was just gazing really, not trying to search for anyone in particular, not so he could potentially exchange a paper aeroplane with or pull silly faces at. No, he was merely just looking around when he first noticed Nico.

Nico. As in Nico Di Angelo. As in the short, shy kid that sits in the corner desk who spends most of his algebra staring fondly out of the window. That one Italian that owned a mess of inky hair and a adorable little dimple underneath his left cheek. The one with perfect pale-olive skin, so smooth looking and— shut up, Will.

Whatever got him so enticed was unbeknownst to Will, there was nothing yet everything special about that boy though, there was no denying that. But Will was sensible enough to know it was a blossoming crush, probably one that would fade away in a week or two as per usual.



Like most things in Will's life, things never went according to plan, never really missed the opportunity to grasp the unexpected. Not that in this particular case it was necessarily a bad thing — but still — unexpected nonetheless.

So as fate unravelled, it turned out that the crush seemed to have lasted a tad bit longer than just 'a week or two'.

Give or take 5 years instead... and still counting.

The blonde was long past the point of simple crush within the first year of his discovery, now it bloomed into a painfully strong love that Will did his best at choking down. It didn't help that as the years changed, the Italian did so too alongside the time. Yeah, impossibly more alluring than ever before. Will often found his own sight lingering upon Nico's sharper contours, stripped of the baby fat completely and leaving him with a flawlessly chiseled face, still highlighting that undeniably cute dimple. Time had also worked well with more minor changes, like his 'now deeper than junior high' voice or his 'slightly taller but still considered short' height.

It wasn't easy to bottle up with affections, especially when Nico would just stand there, leaning casually against the lockers and just caught up in conversation like any other fucking person in this high school—

"Hello, you there? Earth to Will?" A distant voice said, setting of less prominent sensors in his brain somewhere, but really unbothered to actually pay attention until the voice snapped, "Will!"

"Yes, what?" Will asked, mildly dazed from being yanked out of his deep thoughts.

"Have you even been listening to anything I've been saying?" Lou Ellen gave the blonde a look that was somewhere in between 'seriously, dude?' and a sly, suggestive glance. "You know what, forget about it, I wasn't that important anyways. But I'm sick of this so you need to grow a pair and ask him out ASAP."

Will sighed, "If only if it were that simple, Lou."

"It is that simple."

Surprise, surprise: it wasn't that simple.

After a hearty breakfast, two protein shakes and a motivating prep talk from Lou, Will was supposedly ready. This whole ordeal had drawn out for way too long and Will was determined to put an end to it right away. So he got into school bright and early, standing by his own lockers jittering to Lou Ellen.

"You'll be fine, Will," Lou reassured, "It will be like any other—"

A sharp wolf whistle cut her off; Will spun towards the source of the sound. It was just Lacy, so the blonde didn't heed her any further attention until he actually witnessed himself why she even made the sound.

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