Professionalism, Damn You To Hell

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Nico Di Angelo likes to view himself as a professional.

He'd say that he's got enough work experience under his belt to be claimed as such, despite only having worked in the particular field for just two years. But then again, though Nico may have only been occupationally pursuing photography for just two years, he used to be hired in a company amongst those who have been doing it for decades.

By no means, does he think, he's the best at what he does, but that doesn't mean he doubts that he's any good at it either. And even though some would say in their annoying, condescending and self-prestigious voices 'simply taking a few pictures can't be all that hard work,' Nico would love to beg to differ while scowling at their ignorance.

However, Nico's a professional. So he doesn't let any shitty, crack-brained comments get to him.

(Rationally though, Nico doesn't work 24/7, so flipping a bird or two at those pricks -- technically -- isn't unprofessional.)

It's why he's actually semi-successful with what he does, since it's so fucking difficult to get a name out there for yourself; Nico has managed to get by as anyone's average photographer with his own solo career. A small business, sure, but it keeps a roof over his head, pays his bills and helps maintain a Netflix subscription even after the free trial has completed.

Professionalism is also what attracts his clients, reinforces his studio and creates the little budget business cards that honestly don't look all that bad.

So when he gets an email, on one lousy morning that he supposes he's going to dedicate to editing, it's out of sheer and utter professionalism that his eyes widen like he's struck gold, and jumps up from his worn out office chair and does an embarrassingly degrading display of fist pumping the air with an uncharacteristic whoop.

Because Nico Di Angelo is a professional, and if he just received a once-in-a-lifetime job opportunity, he's going to react in a fitting manner.


Nico Di Angelo is a professional, but if he slips up every now and then he'd say that he's also only human.

So when finds himself hurriedly skidding through the forever busy streets, with his Canon EOS 5D Mark IV swinging hazardously from around his neck, heavy backpack bouncing up and down and his stupidly expensive cup of steaming coffee spilling all over his hand, he'd say it's not one of his proudest moments. But give him a break because Nico is rarely ever late, and given that this is the best gig he's ever received in his life ever, he's more than a little anxious to make it on time.

Whether it's lucky or not, Nico arrives to the warehouse with three quarters of his coffee spilled out of his cup and only thirty minutes before the rest of the crew are expected to arrive. That means that he's got thirty minutes to get everything set up, and he doesn't even have his bittersweet caffeine to give him the energy to carry out the task. None the less, he's got a lot riding on his going well, so he sets him stupid cup down, shrugs off his rucksack, and gets straight to work.

Fashion photographer or not, Nico himself has never been super into it himself. He's generic, he himself would be satisfied with monochromatic t-shirts, two pairs of jeans and a few hoodies to get him through life. However, Nico works in a field in which style is a huge deal, so it's only natural that he knows how insane it is he's carrying out a photo shoot for a new clothing line by Gabriel™, this is his biggest break yet.

The thing is Nico knows he's a professional and all, but it's a little bit baffling to consider how they even came across him. For a brand as big as Gabriel, why would they choose a somewhat everyday photographer?

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