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"Mmph, Will" Nico breath breathed across his boyfriend's perfect lips, "We shouldn't be doing this here."

Will chuckled huskily, not making any avail to the arms he had pinned above Nico's head, "And when has that ever stopped us?" He asked menacingly before fusing the kiss once more. Will smiled as Nico responded, meeting him half way with smooth, languid movements.

"We're literally on the side of the Big House, Solace. We're gonna get caught— shit," The Italian bit his lip to seal of a whimper. Will knew Nico's body as well as the back of his own hand, he knew every little area of sensitivity that he knew would make him turn into putty in Will's hands. All he did was press his soft lips against the junction of his collarbone and Nico had to hold back a moan, but couldn't quite help himself when his teeth sunk into his pale, supple flesh, eliciting a satisfied purr from the raven haired boy.

"I hate you, Solace," he whispered, though his hands still moved to knot through Will's curly, golden hair to tell him otherwise. Yes, Nico was most certainly enjoying himself, but he was still a stubborn little bitch who wasn't going to concede that easily.

He pulled the fair haired boy back into a searing kiss, and surprised him by slipping his own tongue against those lips. Will opened acceptingly, but still put up a fairly matched fight for the dominance of the others mouth. Nico's arms looped around Will's neck, standing on his toes to bring them both impossibly closer. Things were getting really intense, and if Nico could just find a shadow he could slip into—

"Busted," a painfully familiar voice singsonged, distracting the two from their tongue tied duel. Nico turned to the voice of Percy Jackson, eyes widening at the sight of the immortal centaur standing next to the infamous demigod. By sheer reflex, the Italian pushed Will off himself so forceful he toppled to the ground ungracefully, not even registering the impact pain due to the overstimulation of embarrassment.

Chiron's lips were drawn into a long, thing line, those smile wrinkles crinkled into a cross furrow of brows. "I'd appreciate it if you did not defile the sides of the Big House," he said passive aggressively, tail swishy furiously.

The son of Hades felt his cheeks burn, sputtering something in between an apology and a curse to his boyfriend. (Whom was pushing himself of the grassy ground smiling boyishly, scratching at his neck.)

Apparently, Percy couldn't of been more amused as he broke into a fit of laughter, lean upon Chiron's back for balance as he used the other to clutch his stomach. "I expected you guys to know better," he mocked yet wheezed.

"Not everyone has a cabin to themselves and a partner who can literally turn invisible," Nico mumbled, which made Percy sober up immediately now that the centaurs unimpressed glare landed on him.

"Nico, Will you both are due to host room inspections besides from Jason next shift. If I catch you two again you're going to the stables," he pinched the bridge of his nose and turned to the son of Poseidon, "And Percy, come with me. I have to have a word with you and Annabeth."

The heroic Percy Jackson paled so much it challenged Nico's skin tone, Chiron gestured the teenager to follow him. "But..." he started, but whatever response he had died on his tongue, begrudgingly following Chiron to the Athena Cabin.

The son of Apollo turned back to Nico when Chiron was out of earshot, grinning lazily down at the boy, "Now that he's gone." Will leaned down, but was met with a palm except from the anticipated lips.

"No way in hell, Solace," he said sternly, yet still hosting a ghost of a smile. He retreated into the shadows as he saw Will's pout, disappearing before the blonde could attack him with kisses once again.

This was short but I wanted to get it out because I have 2k reads now and I find that so crazy. Thanks for anyone who is actually reading, it means quite a bit.

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