True Love's Kiss?

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The quest was never expected to go to plan in the first place.

So when they were all severely outnumbered they, being the idiots they were, still thought it'd be a wise idea to fight. There was a sea of swords and weapons, clashing and maiming valiantly. The five demigod clearly had no hope in succeeding, which would of been extremely easy if they had access to their demigodly powers, but due to the strange terrain they were on, they were completely stripped of them.

Even though there's five present, only three of the five seemed to make any (minor) physical difference upon the ambush. Percy, Jason and Nico were all gifted with their sword combat as well as their natural Big 3 powers, they fought off monster after life draining monster courageously, but there were too many to escape without being captured.

Leo and Will, however, though still fighting with our lives, weren't nearly as talented with our weapons. Leo Valdez was known for crafting epic swords and spears with unique attributes, but he himself, could hardly wield one, let alone fight with. Then you have Will Solace, unanimously decided as one of the most important demigods of Camp Halfblood, who could heal patients with golden magic generously blessed from Apollo at birth. Yet alas, his extreme skill in healing was balanced out by his complete lack of combat skills, even as a Son of Apollo, the arrows Will would shoot would only just scrape his target, if he was lucky that is.

It was fair to assume the odds were not in the favour of the questing demigods that afternoon, but by some life saving miracle, every unidentifiable monster just vanished, disappearing into great clouds of pitch black sand.

"Well," Percy panted, shock etched in his features, "That was pretty easy." He nudged Jason on the shoulder, as if tipsy, but Will identified it more as the adrenaline leaving his veins post attack.

Jason smiled, readjusting his square glasses and Leo chuckled, flexing his arms, "I guess they were just too intimidated by me," the Hispanic claimed jokingly, his own way of saying 'thanks for saving my life while I did abosutley nothing helpful besides aimlessly throw my blade around'. He pulled it of quite well.

The Son of Apollo waited for the Son of Hades to reply with deadpanned honesty of how Leo was no help whatsoever, but it never sounded. Suddenly alerted, Will only then noticed that Nico was no where to be seen.

"Guys," the concerned blonde started, disturbing the banter and laughter between the other three demigods, "Where's Nico?"

Their faces dropped; eyes widen in realisation as if it was practiced synchronisation. This was quickly followed by a chorus of Nico's name being shouted out, but silence weighed uncomfortably upon their shoulders as they were getting no response.

Will raked a hand through his golden curls, he was not going to lose Nico again, not after everything they've progressed to. Will attempted to formulate a logical idea of where the Italian may be but all he could think about was; he's gone, he's gone, he's gone. "He couldn't of just vanished into nothing, he must of actually gone somewhere"

"Those monsters - whatever they were - things, vanished into nothing, Nico could have done too," Jason pointed worriedly, that brooding Son of Hades was like the little brother Jason never had, meaning he was unhealthily overprotective over Nico. At least he has a reason to be overprotective, Will thought bitterly, sure he and Nico were dating, but it was secret, even to their closest friends. The Son of Apollo of course didn't mind, he wanted to go with whatever Nico was comfortable with, but it meant that it displayed Will as the least uncaring towards the dark haired teen when truly, he cared the most.

Leo pitched in, "Perhaps he shadow travelled—"

"Nico wouldn't do that," Percy replied before the blonde had a chance to, genuine worry evident in his sea green eyes.

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