Doctor's Check Out

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Despite the excellent liar Nico was, his attempts against Hazel were always futile.

It was, because of this, he just gave up on lying to her in general if she was just gonna snuff it out anyways. However, that often meant that he would have to tell her things that Nico knew for a fact she would go berserk about.

Like Nico's last doctors check up for example.

"YOU HAVEN'T BEEN IN HOW LONG?" Hazel had shrieked, which still rang in Nico's eardrums while sitting in the crappy, blue, plastic chair of the clinic's waiting room. It was definitely an over the top reaction, just because he hadn't gone for a check up since he was 13 years old, it doesn't give a reason to deafen someone. Sure, perhaps going a decade without seeing a doctor was a little abnormal, but Nico never had a reason to go. All his injuries were never too serious, maybe once he stabbed himself with a knife by accident but that was nothing he couldn't handle on his own.

But Hazel was begging to differ.

She joined her brother in the seat adjacent to his, "You're all booked, Dr Solace, whoever that is, is going to check you up." Hazel meant well, in the end she just wanted to make sure her older brother was looking after himself, even if her way of doing so was personal torture to Nico.

"You're making a too big of a deal out of this," Nico began, stretching his legs a little on the chair, "I'm perfectly fine am I not?"

Hazel's amber eyes looked at him in what would best be described as a, 'bitch please' manner. "You haven't been in 10 years, Nico. If you try to justify yourself then, Gods help me, I will—

"Nico Di Angelo?" Called a lady, cutting off Hazel's empty threat. The cinnamon haired girl gave Nico a little nudge to get up, and Nico sighed before doing so, following the brunette lady to hell.

She had introduced herself as Phoebe, and led Nico to a room which had antiseptics wafting through the air. It was a typical, private ward with cream coloured walls and a tidied cot pushed against the corner. There were several medical instruments organised around in all shapes and sizes, and Nico wanted nothing else but to get out of there or to stab a scalpel into his neck to end his own suffering.

"Dr Solace will be with you shortly," said Phoebe before making her leave, her long ponytail swaying behind. Nico huffed and wandered around, inspecting items that were both familiar and foreign to him. He himself, was studying to be a pathologist so he recognised quite a few of the surgical equipments that didn't seem like they belonged in this particular room.

"Sorry for the wait, I'm Dr Solace," the Italian jumper at the new voice, turning around swiftly only to hit his shin on the cot. He bit his lip promptly in order to not curse in pain, but the doctor seemed to make no restraints against the light chuckle that escaped him, "But you can call me Will," he had added with a smile.

Will gestured for his patient to just sit on the cot, and Nico did so obediently. He sat and suddenly he became self conscious on how stupid he must of just looked, and how messed his black hair must be as he didn't even bother to style it into his usual way, instead leaving it as an undercut flop on his head.

He would be lying if he said he didn't know why he was suddenly itching to go sort himself out in a mirror, it was quite obviously the presence of Will over here in all his tanned glory. Unlike Nico, Will looked flawless. Even if he was only wearing some scrubs, he still looked like he could walk down a runaway right at that moment. He most certainly looked like a model with that stupidly attractive, loose curly, blonde hair of his and with those stupidly attractive freckles of his that scattered across his perfectly tanned skin in constellations.

So, so painfully, ridiculously and temptingly out of Nico's league.

The sex god doctor produced a clipboard and sat in the chair opposite to wear Nico was perched. He took the pen from behind the ear and clicked it, "So, what's your name?"

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