Babysitter Guy

862 50 15

[Avengers are online]

[Skylar is online]

[Loki is online]

[Apple is online]

Skylar: gosh I've missed being online.

Steve: Having a baby isn't easy.

Skylar: Thankfully Pepper is a genius and found us both a professional babysitter.

Apple: She did?

Skylar: Yep, I'm really thankful because I have a lot of things to do for SHIELD.

Steve: Yeah, it's nice to have some time off.

Tony: So who is the babysitter really, I didn't get to meet him.

Apple: Him? It's a boy?!

Skylar: Yeah, I'll invite him online for a second so he can meet you all.

[Charles Perity is online]

[Charles Perity has become Charlie]

Charlie: Heyy! what's up? :)

Apple: *jaw drops* *eyes fall out* woah.

Loki: >:\

Charlie: *laughs adorably* I'm Charlie and you guys?

Apple: Apple Rhodes, SHIELD agent. I'm fifteen.

Loki: Loki Laufeyson, god of mischief. Apple's BOYFRIEND.

Tony: Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, philantrophist.

Charlie: Yeah, I'm a big fan of your arc reactor work!

Tony: *bows* thank you.

Steve: Steve Rogers, Captain America. We met five seconds ago.

Charlie: Ha ha yeah.

Clint: Clint Barton, Hawkeye, master archer.

Charlie: Oh cool, yes you are amazing at archery! :D

Clint: Thanks boy ;]

Charlie: :)

Natasha: Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow.

Charlie: Of course, the famous Natasha ;)

Natasha: :)

Loki: wow, you're good.

Charlie: Good at what?

Loki: ... nothing.

Charlie: yeah, okay.

Skylar: And you know who I am, I hope.

Charlie: Of course I do haha :D


Charlie: Nice to meet you as well Thor, and please, call me Charlie. :)

Thor: I SHALL!

Charlie: Okay, really nice meeting you guys, but now I have to go. As you know, I'm babysitting. :)

[Charlie is offline]

Loki: Apple, promise that you'll forever be mine.

Apple: I am forever yours Loki.

Loki: That's good, I don't think I could live without you being my Queen.

Apple: I'm your queen?

Loki: With a big Q, no matter if I'll never actually be a king you will always be and are my Queen. <3

Apple: Aww Loki <3 Well you are my king :)<3

Loki: <3 So, AVPM??

Apple: Oh Yeah su-

Tony: NOO! No more AVPM on Loki!

Loki: Whyy?!

Tony: You made a whole parody of one of the songs, and you go around singing them all day, and you dance to them, and then Apple joins you and ugh... I'm tired of it.

Loki: Hey! I sing and dance amazingly!

Clint: We are all tired of it...

Loki: >:(

Apple: C'mon babe, let's just go.

Loki: Yes.

[Apple is offline]

[Loki is offline]

Tony: I don't know what that was.

Skylar: Yes you do.

Tony: ... whatever.

Skylar: Anyway, like I said got some work for SHIELD Bye!

[Skylar is offline]

Steve: Yeah, I gotta go train. See ya.

[Steve is offline]

Tony: Yeah bye.

[Tony is offline]


[Thor is offline]

Bruce: Yeah, I'm just gonna-

[Bruce has disconnected the Chatroom]


Okay so I have a really big thing for Loki calling his girlfriend/wife for Queen. Now I don't mean Apple, I just mean like if he ever has one or whatever I would love him calling her Queen. So I made him do it with Apple.

...yeah that was it.

Thanks for reading see you guys later probably :D

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