Guess who!

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[Avengers are online]

[Skylar is online]

[Apple is online]

[Loki is online]

[Fury is online]

Fury: Is it done?

Steve: yessir.

Skylar: yep.

Fury: good.

[Fury is offline]

Tony: What does he mean?

Bruce: Bucky Barnes is coming today.

Tony: oh.. yeah.


Apple: I'm coming with him now.

Tony: You're bringing him?

Loki: yep, me and her.

Apple: We're here!

Steve: omigod!! OMIGOD!!

[Bucky is online]

Steve: omg... *faints*

Bucky: Steve, you're exactly the same.

Steve: ...-.- you too sassmaster. (A/N: I've been waiting for months to use sassmaster, I'm not kidding)

Bucky: ;)

Steve: *hugs* I missed you.

Bucky: *hugs back* missed you too Rogers. Sorry for all the stupid stuff I did.

Steve: Don't think about it. Now, you ever tried Shawarma?

Bucky: No, what's that?

Steve: Follow me Buck.

Bucky: yessir.

[Steve is offline]

[Bucky is offline]

Tony: Well then, what are we gonna do?

Loki: AVPM!!

Bruce: eh, no.

Tony: NO.

Skylar: Oh no.


Loki: Well, the votes are negative, except yours, my Queen, of course.

Apple: Yes, I am always on your team, promise.

Loki: good, then we can do it, you and I.

Apple: Sure ;)

Loki: ;)

[Lokiabelle is offline]

Clint: why?

Tony: it's easier, anyway, you guys want to help me watch Edward?

Steve: you need help?

Tony: He's starting to learn how to walk okay, and I'm scared if I look away for one second he'll do something bad and die or something.

Natasha: you're a weirdo...

Bruce: I don't want to break in, but has anyone seen Dom?! I haven't seen her since morning and I'm worried about her.

Skylar: why? She's probably just out somewhere.

Bruce: I guess, but she's been acting weird lately, I gotta try and find her.

Tony: good luck my bro.

Bruce: thank you bro

[Bruce is offline]

Steve: I can help you Tony.

Tony: Thank you so much, we're in the living room.

Steve: on my way :)

[Steve is offline]

Tony: ...he didn't have to stop chatting.... nvm

[Tony is offline]

Skylar: yeah... Nat?

Natasha: we can read files?

Skylar: why not, but I gotta take Skye with me.

Natasha: okay dat.

Skylar: :)

[Skylar is offline]

[Natasha is offline]

Clint: hey!

[StarBucksLord is online]

StarBucksLord: bruh.

Clint: bruh.

[StarBucksLord is offline]

[Clint is offline]



now let's all just appreciate Matthew Daddario for a moment bc I don't know how to do anything else

Okay fun enjoy your lives now

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