Lokiabelle together again

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[Avengers is online]

[Loki is online]

[Apple is online]

[Skylar is online]

Apple: Guys guess what!!


Loki: Yup *chuckles*

Apple: And guess what else *shows hand*

Steve: WTF?!?!? OoO

Natasha: WHAT?!!!?!?!?

Tony: you guys are mad.

Bruce: umm... this is wrong o.o


Loki: ehehe...no.

Apple: It's not like that really, it's more like a promise to always stay together, you know.

Tony: sure... ;)

Apple: Stark shut up.

Loki: shut up.

Tony: ...they're totally back.

Apple: Don't you doubt.

[Ag3nt.Stark is online]

Tony: umm... excuse me but what?

Ag3nt.Stark: hey guys!

Tony: I am the only Stark here Mr

Ag3nt.Stark: Ms thank you, and nope you are not

Tony: I don't like you

Steve: Tony don't be rude, it's nice to meet you Ag3nt.Stark :)

Ag3nt.Stark: you too captain, any chance you have heard anything from Bucky?

Steve: no still looking, why?

Ag3nt.Stark: I like him quite a bit

Steve: I see, well I'll tell you when I do hear from him

Ag3nt.Stark: I appreciate it

Ag3nt.Stark: well I better go, nice meeting you all. See you later Tony :)

[Ag3nt.Stark is offline]

Tony: ...what?

Steve: Tony, where are you btw?

Tony: Lab.

Steve: How long have you been there?

Tony: Long.

Steve: What are you making?

Tony: Stuff.

Steve: ...You're hopeless.

Tony: I'm not I'm a billionaire.

Steve: ...-.-

Tony: Bye I'm just gonna go continue now.

[Tony is offline]

Steve: I gotta go and get him up from there, he hasn't eaten since yesterday I think.

Skylar: I'll help you.

Steve: No, let me do it myself.

[Steve is offline]

Skylar: ...well then. But anyway I'm so glad you guys are back together again.

Apple: We're glad for that as well :)

Loki: Yes very much <3

Apple: *hugs Loki* Oh how I missed this <3 :)

Loki: I missed it too darling.

Natasha: Aww you guys are so cute :3

Apple: Loki let's have a date night tonight ;)

Loki: oooh, yes sounds perfect my queen. Dress nicely and be ready at 7.

Apple: I shall, my prince ;)

Loki: ;)

[Loki is offline]

Apple: Skylar, Nat, you have to help me find something to wear!

Natasha: Don't worry we're professional.

Skylar: Oh yeah.

Apple: Good, professional's good.

Natasha: Let's go at once.

[Natasha is offline]

[Skylar is offline]

Apple: oh my

[Apple is offline]

Bruce: So, Thor, Clint. Shawarma?

Clint: Oh Yeah sure.


Bruce: great let's go.

[Bruce is offline]

[Thor is offline]

[Clint is offline]


Ag3nt.Stark - Ms0reo

Sorry I haven't updated faster, I've been in a bad mood for a couple of days this week (I think it was partly because Ewan McGregor tbh) and school has been shiz so I haven't been feeling like writing anything, but here you go I hope it's okay :)

Jamie, xx

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