Avengers Q&Q

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A/N: yes I'm aware that I wrote Q&Q up there.

[Everyone is online]

Me: hello and welcome to another Q AND A WITH THE AVENGERS! I AM YOUR HOST JAMIE!

Tony: oh no...

Clint: I hate you

Me: Love you too babe

Natasha: excuse me, me

Apple: xD me me

Me: sorry nat, but I'm taking him

Clint: stop it

Bruce: can we just start I want to get this over with

Me: someone is all grumpy today

Bruce: did no one listen when I said, I'm always angry?

Steve: I did

Skylar: I guess me too

Tony: you weren't even there...

Skylar: shut up

Me: okay before you all start fighting, let me begin.

Me: the first question is from Avengers_Aprentice

I have a question for you. Has Clint ever *smirks evilly* fondued with Natasha. And if they could have a kid, what would it be named?


Clint: AGREED and also yes yes I have

Natasha: CLINT!

Tony: hey good job man

Clint: thanks ;)

Natasha: STOP

Clint: sorry dear

Natasha: and if we were ever going to even consider having a kid we would name it Ivan Barney if it was a boy and Kate Natasha if it was a girl.

Clint: excuse me when did we discuss this

Natasha: once shhh

Clint: I'm confused

Apple: And I find this hilarious

Loki: and I agree with Apple

Me: anyway, let's go on

Me: the next questions are from Larsener5000

1) Wats ur favorite food?

Me: oh look for me :D

Me: my favorite food is probably tacos, but I also really like pizza and pasta

2) Are U a tom boy or a girly girl

Me: uhh more of a tomboy that a girly girl without a doubt, I mean I usually don't wear dresses or skirts or make up and I mean I like things like marvel which makes me pretty boyish I think... But then again I fangirl completely over boybands and everything else that includes someone hot xD and my marvel adventure begun because I thought Andrew Garfield was hot (still do) but I guess I'm closest to tomboy honestly but I can be very girly sometimes (lol long answer sorry)

Loki: I did not need all of this information at all young mortal

Me: sorry Loki, and you know I'm actually a god

Loki: ...whatever you say

3)Fave color

Me: any shade of blue or turquoise hehe

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