[Jarvis is online]

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Steve: *sits on the couch armrest watching people waking up while eating shawarma*

Bucky: *lies in the couch eating shawarma while watching people*

Loki: *sits on floor with medical-aid set*

Tony: why is my arm bandaged?

Bruce: why is the tower destroyed?

Bucky: what is the avenginator doing on the floor split in half?

Steve: ...really Bucky?

Bucky: *whispers* the sass lives

Skylar: can someone please explain?!

Steve: okay so the avenginator turned out to be evil and he sprayed us with some kind of gas and we fainted. But then Loki woke up first and an hour later Bucky and I woke up and there were dragons attacking the city. So Loki said that he'd find and take out the avenginator while Bucky and I went off to fight the dragons. It showed up that they were electronical so Bucky took them out with this device and then JARVIS came on the chatroom saying that he were being taken out by the avenginator so Bucky and I flew back on a dragon and Bucky did that *points to avenginator*

Bucky: ...and that's what happened

Tony: woah

Bruce: that was a lot

Tony: ...but why is my arm bandaged again?

Steve: you sure you want to know...?

Tony: pretty sure I should

Loki: you will be angry... I think

Steve: Bucky ripped out the microchip that is controlling the avenginator from your arm

Tony: YOU WHAT?!

Bucky: sorry man, I had to stop him


Bruce: HEY!

Bucky: I don't particularly like you... your father was a sh*t and you're worse (A/N: civil war starts)

Tony: ...thanks

Steve: so yeah... that was it

Apple: OMG these dragons are so cool!! Can I keep one?!

Everyone: nO.

Apple: aww man... :(

Loki: don't worry my queen, there are many other cool things in Asgard, you can join me when I return

Apple: Awesome!!

[Jarvis is online]

Jarvis: ahh it's good to be back

Tony: first time you've been out for a while huh?

Jarvis: yes sir

Tony: well now we need to clean up this mess

Jarvis: very well sir

Bruce: ...so what now?

Steve: fix that maybe *points at destroyed New York*

Skylar: ... Oh crap, wait where is Skye?

Steve: OMG no what if something happened to her!!

Skylar: I just remembered, she's with Pepper and Edward and Charlie.

Steve: ...puh

Bucky: lucky that she was right now though... kinda ironic that they're not here right now...

Steve: true

Tony: yeah that was really lucky

Bucky: ya know I've been meaning to ask, what happened to Peggy.

Steve: she has alzheimer, every time I go there she tells me "steve, you're alive! You came back!"

Bucky: so she's alive still? That's pretty impressing tho

Steve: yeah, but if you want to know more about it you and I have a museum to visit

Bucky: I have already been there

Steve: you really went to visit a museum

Bucky: it's about us why would I not?

Steve: good point

Bucky: Hey anyway, come over I've ordered pizza

Steve: Oh YUSSS, see you later Sky

[Stucky is offline]

Tony: *chuckles*

Skylar: Hey wait-.... oh whatever...

Bruce: come over? -.- They're in the same room... On the same couch...

[Skylar is offline]

Clint: Nat?

Natasha: yes.

[Clintasha is offline]

Tony: *chuckles*

Bruce: ... Banner out

[Bruce is offline]

Dom: Yeah bye Tony

[Dom is offline]

Tony: still not used to the fact that she's pregnant now... like imagining Bruce doing... you know... not used to it...

Loki: Nope

Apple: agreed man


Apple: dw about it Thor


[Thor is offline]

[Lokiabelle is offline]

Tony: *chuckles*

JARVIS: you are really enjoying yourself... are you not sir?

Tony: yep *chuckles*

[Tony is offline]


Idk what this was, buy Stucky eh

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