Vacation for everyone

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Steve: Buck everyone here is dating

Bucky: so basically what you're saying is I'm the only guy who doesn't have a girl

Steve: sorry man

Tony: but you see my friend that's what is so nice about vacations you can meet lots of new people

Natasha: Tony we're not going on vacation

Apple: I think it's a great idea

Loki: whatever you say honey


Apple: Not sure he's in this hypnosis where he just agrees with everything I say

Loki: whatever you say honey

Apple: not that I mind even though he could be cool and change his line

Loki: whatever you say honey

Bucky: I'm getting tired of that line... and I've only heard it three times

Apple: then how many times do you think I've heard it

Bucky: I don't even wanna think about it

Natasha: but anyway Bucky if you need some dating help I'm here ya know

Bucky: thanks, but no I'm fine with having two awesome best friends

Steve: Two?

Clint: Aww love you too man! *manhug*

Bucky: *hugs back*

Steve: me tho

Bucky: oh you too old loser *pulls Steve into hug*

Skylar: Steve srsly I need your help I'm stressed out I have no one to watch Skye and I have to go and do some stuff for fury!

Steve: *steps out of hug* I'll take her, but remember we have free time tonight

Skylar: yeah dw

[Skylar is offline]

Tony: seriously guys we need a vacation all of us

Bucky: even me?

Tony: all of us. We'll take my private jet to my best island and have a vacation for a couple of weeks

Clint: that does sound nice though

Natasha: okay fine, but I still think it's a bad idea

Apple: no one needs to know that we're gone man, every criminal won't know if Loki makes this little illusion of us being at the tower

Loki: yeah I can do that, if stark and banner can help me set it up so that I can just leave it here then yeah

Tony: cool, now that that's settled


Tony: eh...yeah

[Tony has disconnected chatroom]


okay so they're going on vacation, that's going to be interesting

so I've been watching some of the x-men movies recently and I watched days of future past yesterday and it sent me into a sort of existential crisis because suddenly I was all why do we humans even bother to stay alive like what's the point

so yeah that was fun, I'm kinda still in it so that was great

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