Guardians of The Galaxy and Spiderman

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SPOILER ALERT: This containes stuff from guardians of the galaxy, nothing that will destory the whole movie or anything, but it might not be funny if you haven't seen it.

[Peter Quill is online]

[Gamora is online]

[Groot is online]

[Rocket is online]

[Drax is online]

[Peter Parker is online]

Peter Quill: Well this place is cool.

Peter Parker: Hey, name buddy :3

Peter Quill: Who are you?

Peter Parker: Uh, Peter Parker... duh.

Peter Quill: You obviously are not...

Peter Parker: What is that supposed to mean?

Peter Quill: ...nothing. Fastest gets to be only Peter!

[Peter Quill has become Peter]

Peter Parker: Oh well then...

[Peter Parker has become Spiderman]

Peter: See, this is what I meant.

Spiderman: Ah, of course. Sorry, it's kinda a secret identity.

Peter: Well, you just revealed it...

Spiderman: Yeah I know. Anyway, who are you?

Peter: Star-Lord.

Spiderman: :3 I knew :D

Peter: Well, wow then. :|

Spiderman: And your friends?

Rocket: Rocket here.

Spiderman: You are a Raccon...

Peter: He's a hamster :3

Rocket: Oh shut up Quill, only because that one guy called me hamster doesn't mean I am! ...I regret telling you about it...

Groot: I AM GROOT!

Rocket: No, he is a boy, not a spider. Though I get your point, look at him!

Groot: I am groot.

Rocket: Nah, not really.

Spiderman: What...?

Peter: He's a tree, only Rocket knows what he's saying, and he never tells...

Groot: I am groot.

Gamora: Can you be quiet tree?

Rocket: That's a good point Groot.

Drax: I am Drax, nice to meet you Spider.

Spiderman: -.- mean...

Rocket: Well, you called me a raccon.

Spiderman: Because you ARE!

Rocket: Am not. How many raccons do you know that can speak...?

Spiderman: ...none.

Rocket: See, that's why I'm not a raccon.

Peter: No, you're a hamster.

Rocket: Quill, be quiet.

Spiderman: Hamsters can't speak either, just to put that out.

Rocket: See, not a hamster, not a raccon. Can you guys live with that?

Peter: Nah, not really.

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