Being Sick

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[Tony is online]

[Natasha is online]

[Clint is online]

[Steve is online]

[Skylar is online]

Tony: *atshoo* Ahg, I hate being sick...

Natasha: I am not, b*tches! *snaps fingers in z formation*

Clint: ...FU Nat. I wanna cuddle.

Natasha: Eww, not when you are sick!

Clint: It's fine, I'm cuddling with Lia instead.

Tony: You realize she is actually a seveteen year old girl, right?


Clint: SHE IS AS CAT NOW!!! *cough cough*

Tony: A cat like you Nat. XD *wiggles eyebrows*

Natasha: Grrr...!

[Natasha is offline]

Tony: :D

Steve: So, Tony, are you nervous for your wedding soon?

Tony: It's in two days... :( and I am sick. But no Rogers, no not really.

Skylar: That is weird you should be, and I think I'm sick too :(

Steve: Are you alright?!

Skylar: Steve, I'm fine, but I've been throwing up a lot :(

Steve: Aw, I'm so sorry, I wish I could make it better.

Skylar: I do too.

Steve: ...

Skylar: kidding, That's sweet Steve :) <3

Steve: :)

Tony: Okay, enough Stylar, back to Pepperony.

Steve: ... -.-

Skylar: Well, Pepper found a beautiful dress, just wait to see it Tony :)

Tony: She looks nice in anything. I don't care what her dress looks like, I love her anyway.

Skylar: That's nice Tony.

Tony: :D I am nice when it comes to Pepper.

Steve: ... but no one else.

Skylar: I agree.

Steve: See that's why we are perfect for eachother!

Skylar: I know right!!

Tony: ... and the attention was yet again taken.

Steve: You have it too much anyway...

Skylar: That ^

Steve: Have we ever argued?

Skylar: I don't think so.

Steve: Good, it shall never happen.

Skylar: I agree!

Steve: See, perfect.

Skylar: Agree on that too, this is becoming funny, and I need that now.

Steve: Wanna watch Titanic, since you are sick and all?

Skylar: You are the first guy I have dated to actually suggest that. Everyone else is like, let's watch 'the most violent movie I can think of' ...-.-

Steve: Again, that's why we are perfect for eachother.

Skylar: You love saying that, don't you?

Steve: And you love agreeing.

Skylar: Totally.

Steve: I'll come over to you, and I'll bring snacks!

Skylar: Yay snacks!

[Steve is offline]

[Skylar is offline]

Tony: Well...

[Tony is offline]

Clint: This became boring...

[Clint is offline]


Thank you guys so much for reading. Hope you liked this part :D

Sorry for not posting in a while :/

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