Trying to find them

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[Loki is online]

[Bruce is online]

[Iron Fist is online]

Bruce: What is that outfit Danny?

Loki: ...and that name?

Iron Fist: I'm the great martial arts master Iron Fist.

Bruce: Okay then, as long as you search for them...

Loki: Where are we, btw?

Bruce: I dunno, I just found the signals from the kidnapper by using a GPS device that I did some mixing on to make it find and follow the signals instead of going for a place that you choose and followed them here.

Loki: Ugh, science.

Iron Fist: Shall we split up, or stay in a group?

Bruce: Well, by splitting up we would have a greater chance of finding everyone, but we would also make ourselves greater targets if we did, then everyone could be taken out without any of us knowing. The problem is that if they find us in a group then they can take us down easier, so I suggest we actually split up.

Loki: Let's stay in a group then.

Shadow: Ah ah ah, follow the rules. To reveal the other's you need to answer right on a question. And by answering all of them right you will reveal everyone and you can go. If you do not, then the person will not be revealed and you shall hear their screams as they're being tortured.

Bruce: NO!!! DOM!!!

Loki: *sigh* Let's get started, Bruce focus. You're the smart one.

Bruce: ...okay, I can make this.

Iron Fist: Come with the question then Shadow.

Shadow: What is higher than heaven and deeper than hell, nicer than god and more evil than the devil, the poor has it and the rich has not, it's smarter than Bruce, and more stupid than Thor. What is it?

Iron Fist: Ooh I know this one! The answer is: nothing!

Loki: XD oh Thor...

Shadow: Correct!

[Tony is online]

Tony: Okay what in mother of god was that?!

Loki: What was what? We just saved you life!

Tony: ...oh, well thanks then. Where are the others? And who are you?

Iron Fist: I'm the great-

Bruce: Yeah yeah, shut up about how great you are now. NOTHING IS SMARTER THAN ME!!!!

Tony: :O WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!?!?! I AM!!!!!!

Bruce: the shadow person said nothing were smarter than me. SO! HA TAKE THAT!!!

Tony: ...FU shadow person. I hate you.

Shadow: You'll probably hate me more when I tell you I have Pepper.

Tony: :O o.o NOT MY PEP!!!!

Shadow: Oh yes, anyway, the next question. What is the greatest power of the universe?

Loki: The odin power.

Shadow: That is correct!

[Thor is online]


Loki: Don't worry about it Thor.

Shadow: NEXT question!!! >:D What is flat, has a lot of different tastes and is beloved by one of you?

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