Visit from Patricia

749 36 14

A/N: A little story part in this one because I needed it.

[Natasha is online]

[Dom is online]

Dom: I feel so bad for her, she hasn't said a word since Skylar talked to her earlier.

Natasha: I know I wish we could do something.

Dom: Maybe we can, I know who she'll talk to. Her mother.

Natasha: Trish! Yes of course! You should call her Apple needs her a lot right now.

Dom: Already sent her a text message telling her about it.

Natasha: That's good. You know what we should try to make her favorite food to get her to eat.

Dom: That's not stupid, let's do it.

[Natasha is offline]

[Dom is offline]


Dom knocked softly on Apple's room door. "Apple, s'il vous plait, open up the door mademoiselle." She said softly adding a little of her french in it.

"You need to have some food and something to drink." She tried but no one answered. It seemed like Apple didn't want to talk to anyone. Not that day at least.

"Nat and I made your favorite." Again she heard nothing. Dom sighed. "I'll put it here outside so you can come get it if you want." She then said and put down the food outside of the door.

As she walked away she heard talking from the living room. She could hear the loud voice that she knew was Thor, even if he was a lot more silent than usual.

"Loki is there, at Asgard, in his room. But he won't come out and we can not get in to him either." Thor told Natasha just as Dom entered the living room. "I will go back and try to get him to talk and we can keep contact through the chat."

"Go do that Thor, we'll watch Apple here. Her mother will come soon." Dom said and Thor nodded.

"I shall, goodbye ladies Romanoff and Roux." He said and then with his hammer flew out of the window and disappeared.

Just a minute later there was a pling from the elevator and Patricia Rhodes stepped out looking worried. "Where is she? Where is my daugther?! Oh I will kill Loki for this don't he dare-"

"Please, don't. As we know he is at least as heartbroken as she is and it was her that hurt him firstly." Natasha said and Patricia nodded.

"I have heard the story Tasha, it was just that I wished this would never happen to my daugther. She has always been so strong and I know how vulnerable and hopeless this makes you feel." She said and both the two other women nodded.

"We do as well." They said almost at the same time causing them to smile slightly.

"Follow us Trish." Natasha then said and silently led her to Apple's room. Patricia knocked on her door this time.

"Apple, it's mom." Just as she said it there was a click from the lock and Apple ran straight into the arms of her mother sobbing and shaking from crying.


[Natasha is online]

[Dom is online]

[Patricia is online]

Patricia: Oh my poor little girl.

Natasha: Did she say anything?

Patricia: Sadly enough, no. I just sat there with her for a long time and when she was finished crying she gave me an empty water bottle, so I filled it for her.

Dom: At least she drank it, that's a start.

Patricia: I guess it is but I wish I could just get her to eat something, she needs it.

Natasha: We wish we could as well, but there isn't much we can do.

[Thor is online]

Thor: Loki has spoken to me! Not very much, but at least he said something!

Natasha: What did he say?

Thor: He did tell me to please leave him and said he needed some time. But then later on he asked me to bring Sif. They are talking right now, or at least she's in there with him!

Dom: That's good Thor! I wonder what they are talking about.

Thor: It sounds like it's quite silent right now, but I can never really hear things good through these thick walls!

Natasha: Well it's good that he's talking at least.

Thor: How is Lady A doing?

Patricia: She has not spoken yet.

Thor: Oh, well I wish her the best and hope she will feel better soon.

Thor: but now I must go!

[Thor is offline]

Natasha: He's still not speaking in capslock.

Dom: That can't be good, he must be really down.

Patricia: Yes, well I'll go and get something to eat. You coming.

Natasha: Oh yes, I haven't eaten since breakfast.

Dom: Me neither actually, I've been so busy with Apple.

Patricia: Well then we should go get something. :)

[Chatroom is empty]


I know that this is more sad than it's funny, but it will get better soon.

And also a little story part because I needed it. The french dom says is "s'il vous plait" which means "please " and "mademoiselle" which basically means "miss".

I'll be putting up the part with you guys soon hopefully :p

current mood: solangelo af

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