Long time no see

344 13 36

[Apple has reactivated the chatroom]

[Apple is online]

[Loki is online]

Apple: wow this old thing huh?

Loki: I'd almost forgotten about it

Apple: it's been a long time

Loki: yep you could say that, not for me though, I've lived for a while so 15 years is not that much for me

Apple: well for me that'd be almost half my life

Loki: i know Mrs. Laufeyson

Apple: at least now it's not incorrect

Loki: I'm glad

Apple: Is James with you now or did I leave him with Charlie?

Loki: he's with me, so it's okay, I'm just worried about the fact that you didn't remember where you put him

Apple: I'm sorry honey I'm old

Loki: shut up you're not

Apple: I'm almost twice as old as last time we were here

Loki: well anyway Apple don't worry, your son is in safe hands with me

Apple: thanks Loki, but you know he's your son too right?

Loki: ya but I have too many kids to count

Apple: that sounds wrong Loki, wait do you know where Tony is? He promised he'd be over

Tony: I'm here

Apple: ...you've been watching our entire conversation

Tony: yeah

Edward: I forced him

Apple: jerk

Edward: hey that's mean

Loki: naw

Edward: anyway, you guys used to spend time here?

Tony: loads

Apple: around the time you were born actually

Edward: woah shit that's a long time ago

[Steve is online]

Steve: language son

Skye: dad chill

Skylar: *laughs* oh Stevie

Steve: I mean it

Skylar: oh really

Steve: okay I might be kidding just a little bit

Tony: long time no see eh?

Steve: you could say so

Bucky: damn it's weird being back here, I feel old now

Ray: you are over a hundred years old buck, you are pretty old

StarBucksLord: tru

Bucky: you seriously not gonna change that name quill?

StarBucksLord: NEVAH

Skye: you are all weird

Apple: yep

Edward: you don't say...

[Robert is online]

[Ingrid is online]

Ingrid: what is up

Robert: what is this place?

Tony: A chatroom I made a long time ago

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