Your Favors Are Needed

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[Tony is online]

[Tony has invited Loki online]

Loki: What?!

Tony: Remember when we helped you find out if Thor was ignoring you?

Loki: Yes.

Tony: And you gave us all a favor.

Loki: ...yes.

Tony: Well, I need that favor now.

Loki: *sigh* Yes, what do you need Stark?

Tony: Well, ehe... you see. I kinda fixed on Fury's gun, so, you know, it only comes this little flag with "bang" on out and ehehe. I need you to delete his memory.

Loki: First, that is really childish Stark, second, I can't do that.

Tony: Yes you can. Are you trying to tell me that you have not deleted Thor's memory like, a lot of times?

Loki: ... Okay you got me.

Tony: So, you'll do it.

Loki: Whatever...

[Loki is offline]

[Clint is online]

Clint: So, what's up?

Tony: Nothing special, just used my favor from Loki.

Clint: Back to when we helped him?

Tony: Yeah.

Clint: So, when is you and Pepper's wedding btw?

Tony: I'm not sure...

Clint: Send invitations when you know then. gtg now.

[Clint is offline]

Tony: I'm bored and I have no scotch. JARVIS, what should I do?

JARVIS: I don't know sir.

Tony: Nothing is happening.

JARVIS: Well you could plan your wedding, sir.

Tony: I hate planning :(

JARVIS: Well, you love Pepper.

Tony: Good point. I better go plan the wedding.

[Tony is offline]


This was short... sorry I haven't updated in so long.

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