
"Are we there yet?"

Minho pulled him along excitedly, rushing towards their destination "Almost, just round this corner"

They jogged around the corner of the large building and a beautiful view came into sight, a big fair complete with Rolla-coastars, a Ferris wheel and game stalls  filled with vibrant colour and lights that shone brightly even though it was early afternoon, all this lay before them.

It took no longer than an instant for Jisung to start dashing down the hill towards the fair, Minho ran after him shouting "JISUNG SLOW DOWN, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO GET IN WITHOUT THE TICKETS."

5 minutes later and they'd arrived at the park, Jisung considerably calmer having used up all his energy running down the hill, Minho sorted out the tickets and they where let in fairly quickly (because of course Minho had brought VIP tickets because he didn't want Jisung to wait) 

As soon as they got in Jisung pointed to the biggest, tallest and most probably scariest rolla-coaster "Are you sure...?" Minho asked, slightly daunted..

Jisung simply nodded and yanked him towards the ride with enthusiasm,


"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

Jisung turned in his seat raising an eyebrow at his hyung "Why do you keep asking me that? are you scared?"

Minho gulped and shook his head "No I'm not scared, I just wanted to know if you'll be okay."

Jisung settled back into the hold of the seat facing forwards "Well I'll be fine."

Just as these words left his mouth the ride started and all Jisung could think was 'oh shit, oh holy fuck i am not going to be okay"

He tried to keep his mouth and eyes shut as tight as possible but when he heard Minho scream beside him he gave up and screamed with him.

By the time they got of Minho's legs where trembling and shaking and he could barely walk himself to the lockers to collect their stuff.

"So you were scared huh?"

"Heights are scary okay." Minho whined, crouching on the floor for a moment to cal himself before standing and brushing his clothes of as if nothing had happened, Jisung chose to humour him for the moment and pretend he hadn't heard Minho screaming.

There was no way in hell that either of them where going on more big rides so they choose to go on smaller ones instead, the bumper cars, the tea cups and of course the classical merry-go-round, 

At this ride Jisung with his short legs couldn't get on top of the pretty horse that he wanted so Minho had to help him up like a little child.

after this they got a little bored and decided to go and try their hand at the game stalls, they lost at most things and then Minho set his sights on the crane machine meaning they weren't going to be leaving for quite a while.

"Bro, we've been here for ten minutes now, you're not gonna win the plushie, give up"

Minho's hand stilled on the control pad and he unbend his body staring at Jisung and blinking slowly


Jisung's eyes widened and he slapped a hand over his mouth "I mean, I-i meant..."

Minho shook his head and placed a single finger against the younger's lips "Shut it bro, I'm going to win this plushie, end of."

Acarophobia || {Minsung} ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz