All Dogs Go to Heaven: Part One

Start from the beginning

Castiel approaches you and places one warm hand on your covered stomach. You can barely look at him in the eyes as he does this in fear of it actually being Sam's. Castiel retracts his hand a few moments later, and you hold your breath for the answer.

"Rest easy, your child is Dean's."

"Dean is the dad?" you ask on the verge of tears.

"Very much so. You're on the cusp of being two months pregnant. You and Sam... interacted... before that."

"Are you sure? I don't remember it happening that way."

"I could tell you wanted to get Dean out of your head. To you, it seems closer. Your child is Dean's, so focus on that," he smiles.

You can picture it now. The firsts you'll be able to experience with Dean–the first smile, laugh, steps, teeth, words–everything you missed out with the first one.

"I'm going to have a baby with Dean?" you ask with a teary smile.

"Yes, you are. Congratulations," he beams.

"I'll tell him on my own okay? Please don't say anything to him. I'll tell him, hopefully, at the end of this case. Please don't tell my dad either. He doesn't know anything yet."

"Of course. You have my word. Now, I should be getting back to Heaven."

"Okay, thank you, Castiel."

"You're welcome," he says and disappears without another word.

You're going to have Dean's baby, and the thought brings a smile to your face and a hand to your stomach.

I can't wait for you to arrive.


Ever since Castiel told you about who the father is, you can't help but look at Dean differently. He confessed to Veritas about not being a father but a killer, and you have to strongly disagree with that. He's been taking care of you ever since your mother died–Sam even before that. He can't see it because of all the deep-rooted issues, but he's father material.

Whenever you close your eyes, all you can picture is your little girl in your arms. She'd have Dean's bright green eyes and light freckles lightly dusting her face. She'd have your hair and smile, and she'd want to be just like Dean. You can picture her helping him when he works on the Impala, and he'd win her every single stuffed toy at the fair at those shooting games.

You're not sure how you'll raise your kid into this life, but you know you're going to do a better job than John ever did. You're going to make sure that your kid still had a childhood, but also knows the danger of what's really out there. Maybe you'll tell her bedtime stories of monsters, but put a fun spin on it to get the idea planted in her brain early on.

This is something you'll have to talk to Dean about, but not right now. Right now, you're on the phone with your dad, talking about Crowley. You're both still upset about this whole deal he has going on with Samuel, and you're trying to find a way to get out of it. Sam is eating by himself at an outside table at the restaurant you three are at while you and Dean are off to the side talking to your dad.

"I know, Bobby, but there's got to be another way. I don't know. Keep digging. I mean, if Crowley thinks we're just gonna–"

"Crowley thinks you're just gonna what, Dean?" the demon says from behind you two.

Sam looks up from his plate of food, and his face falls. You turn to face the demon, and you're not too happy about his presence here either.

"Is that Bobby Singer? Give him a kiss for me," he smirks and walks over to the table and takes a seat next to Sam.

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