Triceraton Wars

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You's funny how all this started with the turtles and Team RWBY searching for Master Splinter, then discovering the existence of aliens on Remnant, then getting transported to another galaxy, becoming fugitives while being caught in a war between the Federation and the Triceraton Republic, getting thrown into jail, forced to fight in an arena as gladiators, and now...they were holding the Triceraton Prime Leader hostage. Now all they need is a way to escape from their current situation.

Raz: "For those of you just joining us, you're witnessing the greatest upset in Tri-Sports history"!

Zed: "That's right, Raz". "Eight off-worlders have just taken our beloved Prime Leader Zanramon hostage"!

Weiss moves her rapier closer to Zanramon so that the blade of her weapon was poking his neck.

Weiss: "Drop your weapons or else"!

Raph: "I'd listen to the Ice Queen if I were you".

This was a difficult situation the Triceratons found themselves in. They had every intention to make these eight off-worlders pay for all that they've done, but on the other hand, they couldn't risk the safety of the Prime Leader. However, their thoughts on what they should do given the situation ceased when Prime Leader Zanramon ordered them to:

Zanramon: " they say".

Doing as he commanded, every Triceraton guard dropped their laser gun to the ground which prompted Leo, Ruby, Mikey, Blake, Donnie, and Yang to arm themselves with one.

Raz: "You know, it's not every day eight off-worlders can bring the glorious Triceraton empire straight to its knees". "You've really got to admire their spunk"! "So, what do you think, Zed"? "Will they call for a timeout and make demands"? "Or go straight for the win with a hostile overthrow of the regime"?

Raph: "So what do we do now, fearless leader"?

Leo would've answered, that is if he had a plan in mind. The choice to take the Prime Leader hostage was completely improvised on his part in a desperate attempt to buy time to think of an escape plan. And though their situation was slightly better now that the Triceratons had disarmed themselves in favor of prioritising Zanramon's life, the sports announcers constantly commenting on the current events was not doing Leo any favors in figuring a way out.

Leo: "I don't know". "I'm trying to think through all that racket overhead".

Zed: "Well, you know, Raz, this is clutch time". "The deciding moment..."

The commentary was suddenly stopped when Yang aimed her laser gun up at the overhead three-dimensional screen and shot at it, destroying it, and finally shut off the noise.

Yang: "Does that help"?

Leo: "Actually, yes". "Okay, let's try this". "Professor Honeycutt, take us to your lab". *aims laser gun at Zanramon* "Prime Leader, you're coming with us". *turns to Triceraton guards* "Everyone else stay put and don't move a muscle"!

Leo ordered before he and the others move back whilst keeping their weapons trained on the guards who were also advancing. They followed our heroes as they enter a long corridor, or at least that was until the Triceratons reached and armed themselves with the remaining laser guns that were on the ground and opened fire at our heroes. Forcing them to jump around the corner to take cover from the barrage of lasers.

Knowing that the guards would be mean trouble later on if they were to follow them, Raph quickly grabs Zanramon by the fabric of his shirt and threatens him with one of his sais.

Raph: "Call of your goons now"!

Raph demanded before shoving Zanramon out of cover to force him into ordering the guards to cease fire and to make sure he did the job, if the lasers being fired by the Triceratons wouldn't get him, then Raph would as he held his sai up to Zanramon's neck.

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