The Fugitoid

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Outside the TCRI building, Casey and April could do nothing but look on in shock as the windows of the building lit up before a massive light shot out from the top of the TCRI building and into the sky. The light was so bright that it drew the attention of many citizens around the kingdom. Including the entire Atlas military as well as Ozpin and Glynda who were looking at the beam of light from Beacon tower.

The light traveled out of Remnant's atmosphere and into the depths of space where it then traveled all the way to a distant galaxy.

Meanwhile, inside the city of another planet, a robot was running down an alley when it suddenly tripped over and fell into a puddle of water. It quickly got up and continued running as the pursuing armed soldiers followed it from behind. Unfortunately, the robot's luck ran out as in its desperation to flee from the soldiers, it ran straight into a dead end. Turning around, the robot saw that the soldiers had caught up to it and had it cornered.

Robot: "Oh, dear"! "Oh, dear"!

Soldier: "Bravo team to base". "We've got that Fugitoid cornered in Sector Four".

Fugitoid: "No"!

Base (comms): "Roger". "Bag him and tag him, Bravo". "General Blanque wants it in one piece".

However, before the soldiers could do anything, a bright beam of light suddenly shot down from the sky, and if that was enough of a surprise for them, they then had to witness the turtles and Team RWBY materialize in front of their eyes. Once their bodies had been fully restored, the light that brought them here to this planet disappeared.

Mikey: "Uh, that was unpleasant".

Ruby: *groans* "My head hurts".

Bravo Team Leader: "Huh"? "Take cover"! "This Fugitoid's got some kind of secret weapon"!

Fugitoid: "No, I don't".

The Fugitoid denied before it quickly ducks under a tarp.

Raph: *cracks neck* "Oh, I feel like I've been turned inside out and back again".

Weiss: "Please refrain from putting that image in my head, Raphael".

Mikey: "What happened"? "That light". "The strange lab". "Those weird robot aliens". "Where'd they go"?

Blake: "More importantly, where'd we go"?

Donnie: "Someplace I don't think we're supposed to be".

Donnie says before he and everyone turn around only to find several soldiers aiming laser rifles at them.

Yang: "I guess they're the welcoming committee".

Leo: "I think our best defense might be..."

Raph: "Some serious butt-kicking ninja action"!

Raph declared as he and everyone armed themselves with their weapons and leaped into battle.

Bravo Team Leader: "Fire at will"!

The Bravo team leader ordered, prompting every soldier to open fire at the turtles and Team RWBY who were quick to evade.

Leo jumped onto an overhead pipe and quickly dove off of it as he sliced the laser guns of the soldiers apart before kicking one down. Yang then came rushing in and vaulted over Leo's shell to kick a soldier away before she reared back her fist and threw a punch at the other disarmed soldier. However, when she threw the punch, she expected to blast the soldier away, but what happened instead was her gauntlet produced a clicking sound as though she was out of ammo. Which shouldn't be right since she had plenty of Dust. Seeing her predicament, the soldier laughed at Yang, only for the girl to punch him across the face hard enough to send him flying into and bouncing off the wall back towards Yang where she stepped to the side and held out her arm to let the soldier get clotheslined on it.

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