Tales of Leo

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Shredder: "My revenge is complete". "My hated enemies thought they had destroyed me, but I am not so easily destroyed". "I was merely biding my time, awaiting the right moment for my ninja forces to strike". "And they struck hard". "They herded my enemies to me like sheep to the slaughter". "And even though allies foolishly came to their aid, my enemies were forced to make a cowardly retreat". "But vengeance was mine, nonetheless". "At last, the turtles and huntresses are no more"!

And as Shredder sliced a hole in the gas line, resulting in April's shop exploding in a ball of fire. Not even aura would save someone in an explosion such as this...or at least...that's what most would think...

Thirty Seconds Earlier. . .

Inside the storage room, Raph, Ren, Yang, Mikey, and Jaune were bashing their weapons against the metal door attempting to break it. Only to stop and back away when flames shot out from under the door. Cutting them off from their one escape route.

Mikey: "Trapped like rats". "No offense, Sensei".

Mikey said while glancing back at Master Splinter who was helping Blake hold Leo up while he was still unconscious.

Blake: "Leo's not doing well". "We have to get him out of here"!

Raph: "Yeah well, in case you haven't noticed, our only exit is on fire"!

Donnie: *coughs* "If we don't get out of here soon, we'll be blown to bits"! "That is if we don't suffocate from the smoke first"!

Nora then looks to the back wall and gains an idea as she quickly transforms her weapon.

Nora: "Then let's make our own exit"!

Nora exclaimed as she reared her hammer back and swung it. Smashing a massive hole in the brick wall.

Raph: "That's it, everybody book"!

One by one, the turtles, Team RWBY, and Team JNPR ran out of the building with Blake and Splinter still carrying an unconscious Leo. They only just managed to get out just in time to witness April's antique shop, her home, explode in a gigantic fireball which sent police officers flying and overturning cars. Our heroes could only watch as the building crumbled and broke apart while the flames continued to burn everything inside to ashes and April was left devastated as she buried her face into Casey's chest as she cried with Casey holding her close and doing his best to console her. 

Splinter: "Forgive me, Miss O'Neil, but we must leave the past behind, for now, if we are to have a future". "Leonardo is badly injured and needs a safe place to heal".

Mikey: "What about the lair"?

Donnie: "Shredder has a whole ninja army down in the sewers, remember"?

Ren: "Beacon won't do as a good option either".

Weiss: "And none of us are in any shape for another confrontation".

Raph: "Hey, we don't run from nobody".

Splinter: "And yet, we must".

April: *sniffs* "But where"?

But no one answered...well...at least until Casey got an idea in his head.

Casey: "Fellas, I know just the place".

Before any of them knew it, they found themselves driving through the snow-covered countryside after having escaped from the Kingdom. While April was staring out the window, Casey was behind the wheel telling her about the place they would be staying at for a while.

Casey: "You're gonna love my grandma's old farmhouse". "Me and my cousin Sid used to play there all the time when we was kids". "And plus, there's barely any Grimm around these parts, so we won't be getting any trouble".

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