Attack of the Mousers

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Down in the lair, April slowly wakes up after she had fainted the night before.

April: "Oh man, what a dream". "Turtles fighting robots, did I fall asleep watching TV again"? "That was the-*sees the turtles* weirdest..thing..I've.ever seen"!

Mikey winks at April as she looks at her surroundings. Mikey then came up to her and said-

Mikey: "Hi"

April ended up screaming in fear. Which caused Mikey to do the same as he was not expecting the sudden reaction.

Mikey: *pants* "Please don't do that, *sighs* I almost jumped out of my shell".

April takes notice of Mikey's hand.

April: "It.has.three.fingers"!

April covers her head with a pillow and repeats the words "I'm asleep" over and over again as the turtles just stared at the sight.

Donnie: "This isn't going very well like with Ruby".

Mikey: "Hey, come on, this only the second human we've ever talked to". "It's gonna take a little time".

April: "I'm asleep, I'm asleep"

April takes a glance at the turtles before covering her whole face with the pillow.

April: "I'm so asleep"

As April continues to repeat her words, Mikey starts to nod off a bit as he shook his head.

Mikey: *yawns* "Man, she's making me sleepy".

Raph: *taps April's shoulder* "Hey you"

April: *uncovers her face* "Wha"?

Raph: "What do you know about those mouser robot things"?

April: "Well..first I thought they for cleaning up the city's rat problem". "Then they were supposed to be modified to fight off the Grimm". "But then I got suspicious when Dr. Stockman said-oh no..I'm talking to it".

Leo: "What"?

April: "I'm talking to you"! "Okay April, you are talking to a giant three fingered turtle". "The only logical explanation is that you're dreaming". "So everything's..okay". "Hello"

Leo: " are you..doing"?

April: "Oh, I'm fine, everything's absolutely great"!

April gasps loudly upon spotting Splinter walking towards her.

Splinter: "Then perhaps you are ready to answer some questions".

April: "You''re a..."

April ends up fainting again.

Donnie: "You sure have a way with the ladies, Master Splinter". "Now what do we do"?

Leo: "Let's nudge her"

Raph: "I'll snap her out of it".

Splinter: "Raphael, no"!

Mikey walks and sits back in a lounge chair.

Mikey: *groans* "Somebody get me when she wakes up".

Mikey sits in a lounge chair before he puts on his headphones and plays his music to pass the time.

Meanwhile at Beacon Academy, the first year students had just finished their initiation. And were in the process of being put into teams.

Ozpin: "Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie". "The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces". "From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR"!

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