Chapter 23

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"It was so nice to meet you, love!" Eleanor tells me as she leans in for a hug.

"You too!" I say, hugging her back. "I think we were genuinely able to piss off Louis with that picture!"

"That's where I get most of my fun!" Eleanor replies, laughing. "Oh, and message me on Twitter in September so we can meet up at uni, kay?"

"Ok!" I say, smiling. Right before we had left our tip, Eleanor and the boys had made sure to follow Caitlin and I on Twitter, so we could still stay in touch. I didn't expect them to give me their phone numbers; I understand if they have extremely high standards about that stuff. Plus, I've only known most of them for two days. We're just good friends that grabbed lunch together, right?

I peek out the cafe windows as I head over to hug the other boys. Harry was right, the first camera guy has undoubtedly called in some friends. By now there's a group of at least ten paparazzi standing on the other side of the street, waiting for us to leave the cafe. I feel like I'm a zoo animal, being watched and having no escape or privacy.

Next I step up to Harry. "Take care, Nina," he says into my hair as we hug. "We still have plans for September, right?"

"Right," I reply, feeling a pang in my stomach. It makes me feel depressed knowing I might not see these six for another three months. Well, I'll see them at the One Direction concert in August with Caitlin, but that's different. We'll be rushed through soundcheck and the photo kiosk, with only thirty seconds at the most to say hello. Other than that, I'll just have to wait until I come to Manchester before I get to have a real conversation with Eleanor or the boys.

After hugging and saying my goodbyes to Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Louis, we all make our way to the door. We still stand inside, though, mentally planning an escape route.

"Us four are gonna have to go down the street and make a turn to get to Harry's car," Liam says, standing with Harry, Niall, and Zayn. "Where'd you park, Louis?"

"Just around the bend, too," Louis tells him. "We saw Harry's car and parked right behind them."

Eleanor turns to Caitlin and I. "How are you two getting back to your hotel?" she asks us. "Taxi?"

Caitlin nods. "I called for one ten minutes ago," she explains. "I told them to come to the street you guys parked on. It should be here any minute."

Eleanor nods. "We all might as well walk down together," she says. "If you two don't mind waiting outside."

"It's cool," I say. "We'll be fine." Not. It only took me all of yesterday to develop a chronic fear of cameras and the paps.

"We'd better go, then," Niall tells the group. "Let's take these mofos."

Zayn, with his head expertly dipped, opens the door for us, and I follow Eleanor and the boys out onto the sidewalk. The cameras immediately start flashing and names are being shouted, but we all briskly make our way to the corner. I walk next to Caitlin, shielding my face from the cameras as the paps run after us.

"Louis! Eleanor! Over here!"

"Harry, any words on your tour?"

"Who are your guys' friends here?"

I shudder when I realize the most recent question is referring to Caitlin and I. Instead of talking, we all continue to keep our heads down as we finally round the corner.

Parked along the street is Harry's Audi and Louis' Porsche, along with the taxi that Caitlin had smartly called for ahead of time. Harry quickly unlocks his car as Zayn, Niall, and Liam slip in, and then Louis goes around to step into the driver's seat of his own car.

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