Chapter 28

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When I wake up the next morning, the first thing I see is a thin strip of light on the floor. As my eyes adjust to the dim lighting of the room, I realize it's coming from the bathroom door, which is slightly ajar. I can hear the faint sound of the faucet running and someone brushing their teeth. Of course Caitlin is already up.

I moan slightly as I roll out of bed, stretching as the sink is turned off and the door creaks open. Caitlin peeks her head out, and I take in her lively expression, despite her disheveled, messy hair.

"Mornin', sleepy head," she coos while pulling her toothbrush out of her mouth. She returns to the bathroom to spit out the toothpaste, then comes back into the bedroom area while pushing the door wide open. I squint from the brightness as it cuts through the dark room.

"Hey," I mumble groggily, turning to look at the windowsill. The curtains are closed, but no usual streaks of sunlight are peeking through. "What time is it?"

"Eight fifty-three," Caitlin chirps as she walks to the closet. "It's just really cloudy out today. We'll finally get to wear all those winter clothes we packed!"

"You seem like you have a plan," I tell Caitlin suspiciously as she pulls out black skinny jeans, nude colored Converse, and a pink blouse. "What're we gonna do today?"

Caitlin starts to kick off her sweatpants. "We, Nina," she says with a cunning grin, "are going shopping."

I get both excited and discouraged at the same time. "Cait, that's an awesome idea, but we spent most of our money last week, remember? I only have enough left for food and cab fare!"

"Then we'll have breakfast at Starbucks," Caitlin says simply, putting on her outfit, "and we'll hit the bank first thing. Come on, Nina! We're in London! This is our last real vacation for a while. So splurge a little with me? Pleeeeease?" Caitlin pouts and clasps her hands together, giving me puppy eyes. I sigh, thinking her idea over. She's right; we're finally in the UK, and so what if I have a little less fun money for the rest of the summer? I'd much rather spend it here than at the malls in California.

"Fine, but I'm not taking our more than two hundred bucks," I say. "Or whatever that equals in pounds."

"Okay, but let's just hope it's enough," Caitlin says teasingly, wiggling her eyebrows. "Considering the fact that we are going to your favorite store ever!"

Sweet baby Jesus, we're going to Topshop. That's only the best freaking store in the world. I must have spent hundreds there shopping online; it's even bookmarked to my desktop. I consider it a curse that the only American Topshop is in New York, and because of that I've never gone to the actual store yet. And to think, today I finally am.

"Three hundred then. It's settled," I conclude, heading into the bathroom to get ready. Caitlin was right about the weather; even with the heater on, I'm cold in my tank top and sweatpants. I took a shower last night, so I let my curling iron heat up as I return to the closet. I pull out skinny cords, my white Converse, a white blouse, and a black sweater, deciding on looking both cute and comfy for a day at the shops. Once I'm dressed I return to the bathroom and start wrapping pieces of my hair around the curling wand. When that's done I unplug the iron and use a bobby pin to refine my part, adjusting my curls so they cascade loosely over my shoulders.

"Hey there, sexy," Caitlin says in a low, seductive voice. I laugh as she finishes brushing her hair out, totally envious for her naturally straight hair. After she sets the brush down we pick up our bags and heat out the door and to the lobby.

Ten minutes later we emerge from the hotel Starbucks with my vanilla latte and Caitlin's cappucino. We had both split the turkey sandwich and hummus plate, and had surprisingly ended up stuffed. The second we step out the doors onto the sidewalk, a cold gust of wind hits me. I take a huge sip of my warm coffee and pull my jacket tighter around me, shivering. Caitlin quickly waves down a cab and we rapidly slide into the back seat, sighing with delight at the warmth of the heater.

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