Chapter 9

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A/N: Yay! Another chapter! Please comment and vote much appreciated!!! Enjoy!



I finger through my curls one last time before I grab my purse and phone off my bed. "Almost ready?" I ask Caitlin, who is in the bathroom applying another coat of mascara. I grab Caitlin's brown leather jacket - which I had luckily talked her into letting me borrow - and throw it over my arm. Steve had told us earlier that dinner would be casual, so I've decided to keep on my Starbucks outfit.

"Yep," Caitlin replies, emerging from the bathroom. Her beige sweater looks great against her swimmer's tan, and her skinny jeans show off her awesome legs from playing basketball last season. She finished the whole look with her favorite brown wedge booties.

"Oooh, chica!" I say, exaggerating by widening my eyes as I look her up and down.

"Creep," she replies, hiding behind her large tote. "You know staring makes me uncomfortable!" As if. This is coming from the girl who always had at least five pairs of eyes on her back in the school hallway.

"Yeah, yeah. Get used to it sister, because tomorrow, when we meet the boys-" asdfgajfgsk "-they will be CHECKING you OUT!"

I tilt my head to dodge a bobby pin she throws at me.

"Stop stop stop!" I cry. "Hurry, let's leave. We're supposed to leave for dinner in like ten minutes."

We leave our room just as Phoebe and Lauren are leaving theirs. Phoebe is also wearing the same thing from earlier, but Lauren has changed into jeggings and a boyfriend cardigan. Simple but adorable. Since our plane ride, I think I've established each girls' style. Phoebe is the girly chic one, and Lauren dresses like the perfect Abercrombie model. Of course, I try to follow in Eleanor's footsteps, and Caitlin has a similar style to mine, only a little more casual.

"Hey guys!" Lauren says cheerfully.

"Hey," I greet, smiling. "How'd your afternoon go? This one," I point to Caitlin, "was supposed to be sleeping, but I think the coffee running through her veins woke her up quite early." I squeeze Caitlin's side an she emits a small squeak.

"My afternoon was good, actually!" Phoebe answers. "Lau slept for hours and I got to watch CSI in peace!"

Lauren nods. "Feebs does need her forensic television."

Phoebe flashes another one of her million-dollar smiles. "I really do," she gushes.

Caitlin peers over the hallway balcony. "I can see Ricky and Steve waiting outside," she says. "We should probably go catch them." Us four head to the elevators and catch an open one. As we step inside, Lauren says in a hushed tone, "Steve told me they had some 'business' to discuss tonight. Any idea what he means by that?"

The rest of us think silently as we sink to the main floor. "They probably just have more things to cover for tomorrow," I say finally. "I bet they have some legal issues that they have to talk to us about." The rest of the girls nod, and when the elevator chimes we walk into the lobby.

"Have a good evening, ladies," the same bellboy from this morning says as he holds the door open for us. We thank him and walk over to Ricky and Steve, who are standing on the curb.

"Hi girls!" Ricky says, in his normal cheery tone. "You all cleaned up nice!" He looks over to Caitlin and I, squinting his eyes. "Considering the last time I saw you, you both looked like a pile of rotten flesh."

Caitlin and I cackle at the memory, but Phoebe and Lauren look confused.

"Face mask," I say.

"Nice!" Lauren replies, high-fiving me. "He's probably never seen one before in his life," she adds, whispering in my ear. I stifle a laugh.

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