Chapter 14

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A/N: Drama at the end! Ohhhhhh there goes Phoebe xP don't forget to vote or comment! Anyone else starting to dislike Phoebe?



"And then Louis was all like, 'let me smell your skin!'"

The girls and I crack up as Niall finishes one of the boys' many tour stories. Louis immediately chucks a slice of bread at him.

"We were in Mexico!" Louis complains. "The water there isn't clean!"

"It's OK, Lou," Zayn says in a comforting tone. "We all know by now that you have a thing for sniffing other people."

Caitlin coughs as she tries to swallow her first bite of sandwich. "Don't make me laugh!" she whines to Zayn. Then she takes another huge bite, stuffing her face.

"So how old are you guys?" Harry asks, looking over at us. "Seventeen, eighteen?"

"Eighteen," we all reply.

He nods. "That's cool. Sometimes our fifteen and sixteen year old fans get really crazy."

"People send us the most perverted tweets," Liam exclaims. I stop myself from telling him that most of those tweets are probably mine.

"So," Niall says, after already finishing his first sandwich. "We told you guys some stories. Now tell us something interesting."

"Enlighten us," Harry adds, sipping his soda.

I look around at the other girls, who are either eating or have no idea what to say. Think of something, I tell myself. Don't make One Direction think you're boring. Say something!

"I caught my brother trying on one of my bras last week," I blurt out.

"PPPFT!" Harry immediately spits out his soda, all over his blanket. The rest of the boys burst into laughter, clapping their hands and slapping Harry on the back.

"Was that really necessary?!" Harry cries out, wiping his mouth but still laughing.

"I enlightened you, didn't I?" I respond, wiping off a drop of soda that landed on my shoe (ew.)

"How old is your brother?" Liam asks, amused.

"Eleven," I shamefully reply. "He said he just wanted to 'see what it's like!' Not that he even put it on right side up, anyway."

Harry snorts on his Coke again. "Jesus, woman, are you trying to kill me?!" he protests.

"Say yes," Zayn urges me. "He stole my Twix bar yesterday."

"Because you called Lou and told her I gave Lux a Rockstar!"

Well aren't I learning a whole lot about One Direction today.

"I'll have vengeance on you, Malik," Harry sneers, taking a cautious bite of his sandwich. I laugh as I watch the way he eats, sticking out his tongue first while closing his eyes. Sexy.

Caitlin and Niall reach for the bag of bread slices at the same time. "You love food, too, huh?" he asks, passing her two slices.

"Yup!" she chirps, piling her sandwich high with turkey, lettuce, tomato, and pickles. Niall whistles at the sight.

"There's no way you'll ever finish that," he tells her, making his sandwich just as big.

"Oh, you underestimate my power," Caitlin scoffs. "In fact, not only will I finish this sandwich, but I'll finish it before you can even open your mouth."

A long chorus of "oooooooh"s rises around our circle as Niall sits there with his mouth open. "You'll need some gauze for that burn," Louis tells him, patting him on the back.

Ninas London (One Direction fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang